Hi I'm a newbie. I did my W1R1 yesterday, I thought I was going to die. I am ran on a country road on private property behind a gate. All I could think of was that was stupid. I am going to have a heartattack n die. And no one will find me for a week. I did my W1R2 today on a different country road that way at least they will find a body. One step at a time!
Success here I come : Hi I'm a newbie. I did my... - Couch to 5K
Success here I come

Well done for starting i could hardly walk in the walking bits in week 1 but luckily it does get better good luck with the rest of week 1

Well, glad you're still here to tell the tale and welcome the forum! Getting those first runs under your belt is so important...and you did it! Btw, did you realise that there are 'rest' days between the runs (at least one, or two if you prefer)? This is to allow the muscles time to repair and reduces your chances of ending up on the i/c (eek!). Good luck with the rest of the programme and keep posting!🙂
Thanks for the welcome and for calling me out on the "rest days". I am leaving on a road trip tomorrow for two days so I decided I would rather do day one and two back to back before I left. I thought I might chicken out n not start at all if I waited until I got back.

If you're worried about whether they'll find your body or not, the best solution is not to die. 😝
The best way to not die is to follow the programme at a steady and slow pace; remember it's a run but not a race. 😉
Welcome to the community and well done for embarking on this exciting "challenge"

Glad u didn't die! Safety is important though, my husband has a tracker on my phone so he can see where I am, I always carry my phone so i can call for help too. I wear a personal alarm too just in case I am attacked. Maybe build up fitness in more public places first so you can be more confident in ur fitness and health. There are often nice places where dog walkers go and at least there are people around but they don't get in ur way.
Hi, thanks for the positive feed back and suggestions. I do carry my phone all the time and it has a tracking app. I also carry pepper spray, for bears not people. I live 29 miles from the nearest city so going to more public places isn't an option. I've only seen three people today. It did make me realize it would be a good idea to let a friend know where I've gone and schedule a check in time, just in case. Thanks again.
I used to be the same, just heading out of the door without thinking. But I realised that I needed to think about it and adjusted my plans, letting someone know I am going out, having a personal alarm (we are not allowed to carry pepper spray in the UK) but I run in places where there are people around. Safest thing would be to have a running buddy but going to have to find someone LOL

There's nothing like having faith in yourself! Now you've done the first two runs - and haven't died - the worst is over. Well that's not strictly true, but there's nothing that will kill you!
Well done 😊 it does get better , eventually lol stick at it the rewards are there for you ☺

lol! I had the same thoughts on my first few workout days - I am in week three of another 5k app which I started before I stumbled upon this wonderful forum. Great going. I wish you the best.

I felt the same in week 1 - thought I would expire after 60 seconds - now am on Week 4 and havent collapsed anywhere!

Welcome aboard ! Glad youre still with us !
Just wanted to wish you all the very best and Well done for taking up this fantastic programme .
Keep posting , just so we know youre okay xxx

Hi NowRnever - congratulations on your runs so far! I think the first week is the hardest in some ways, as you're just getting the hang of the whole running thing. It does honestly get easier, although that may not seem to make any sense! Good luck for R3.
Just one thing - remember to take a day's rest between runs, so your body can recover and "process" what you've done to it