I did it, week 5 run 3 totally under my belt now and the best thing of all? I loved it, I found myself running along imagining myself just going on and on like Forrest Gump (but in fancier trainers) and the minutes flew past. I got to Laura's warning of '2 minutes left' and was surprised, it seems that my legs can just keep going by themselves now
I even did a bit of hurdling in the middle of the run as the gusting wind lifted a load of discarded floral displays from the side of the path and bowled them along at me like tumbleweed... who knew there were so many hazards to running in a cemetery?
So, I'm feeling very happy and can't wait for my next run... I've crossed that mental barrier so I can now say out loud "I'm going for a run" without adding, "well a joggy/walky sort of a run thing."
Happy days