But I made it... w4r1 so tough both physically and mentally.. but found the strength and determination from somewhere to carry on I've always been amazed when I've actually managed the first run of the new weeks.. and although I am no where near looking forward to run two on Monday.. I know I've done it once I CAN DO IT AGAIN please don't let me put anyone off.. feel great now it's over lol x
That was hard work... really hard work! - Couch to 5K
That was hard work... really hard work!
Well done for completing it As you've read, I needed to repeat week 4 so in my eyes anyone that can do it straight from week 3 is definitely inspirational Hope you get to enjoy a peaceful weekend
Hi sparky, well done, you are definately winning. Remember to ignore those gremlins, you CAN do this! I think it's the runs we find tougher that strengthen us mentally as well as physically. Good luck with the rest of w4🙂
Well done sparky... once you have done that five minute run..you ARE amazing
Have a nice weekend then smash it again on Monday....
Aww lovely thank you everyone!!! Feeling rather achy but chuffed.. and I've since had a big bowl of my home made veg soup.. in my jammies for the evening.. glad I got out and done it now.. had been snowing and slushy. Underfoot this morning..so put it off till after work once it had cleared.. ahhh two days rest... bliss x enjoy the weekend everyone x
Well done! W4 was the toughest for me so far, so I can relate. Keep up the positive attitude, it will really help you! Good luck for R2.
It always feels horrible at the time (well the first 10 mins anyway) but the buzz afterwards and the rest of the day make up for it! Although sometimes there are really good runs, out of the blue, you don't know why and you can do exactly the same thing next time and it won't happen. But the good feeling afterwards is always there😎
Well done Sparky, you did it! You thoroughly deserve to feel great. Go smash that run 2
why wouldn't you be able to do it?
when I am struggling I just keep saying its not running just fast walking- not sure but it really helps lol