Today I woke up feeling pretty rough but had a day off work planning to do usual chores and fit in my first run of week 6 which I've been looking forward to since the euphoria of being able to run a full 20 mins on Sunday. The weather was foul, cold, windy and horizontal rain. Decided to put husbands running leggings on under my waterproof dog walking trousers, walk the dog and then swop wellies for trainers, Barbour for husbands running jacket and do the run, that way the dog would only be filthy once was my thinking. On the dog walk I felt really ill, a touch of the menopausal there's nothing actually wrong with me but I feel terrible. Just decided to head home after about 30 mins walking with the dog and give up on the idea of a run today. On the way back began to feel a bit better and the long and the short is I decided to do the run anyway. I put Laura on while I was swapping dog walking gear for running gear so I could forego the 5 minute warm up walk figuring I'd already done that. I managed the run and found it surprisingly easy and my goodness do I feel brilliant both physically and mentally. My husband is away for 3 months and is a really big runner, he doesn't know I am doing this plan but it has been my little project while he is away. I'm looking forward to dropping in casually that 'I'm just off for a run' when he is back! That's been my motivation, I've bought my own trainers but I'm using his stuff that he's left behind, if I get to the end of this plan I think I will be justified in treating myself to some very snazzy gear!
Definitely mind over matter: Today I woke up... - Couch to 5K
Definitely mind over matter

Brilliant. Well done you!

Brilliant must feel great today. I'm sure with your the time your husband gets home.. you will be a 5k runner.. I'm on w3 r3 tomorrow.. aiming for 5k run for life at beginning of july

Brilliant! Well done you!

Good job! I've got the same motivation, started my first run on the day hubby went away; it's good to have a project to focus on, and will be a nice surprise when they get back! Haven't been brave enough to take the dogs with me yet though, they're faster than me, and don't understand the walking bits at all
That's great, how are you getting on, which week of the programme are you on? The dog loves it, by third run she has learnt Laura's voice and knows it's time to up the pace from a walk. She's been very slow to pick up anything else she is supposed to do and yes she too isn't that keen on just walking! Good luck, let me know how you are doing.
I'm just about to head out for wk 4 run 2! Was really nervous about beginning, but actually starting to enjoy it more with each outing.
The dogs love running much more than walking; one's a husky and the other's a 10 month old doberman puppy with limitless energy so it would be good to get them out in the later weeks.
Thank you! Keep us informed of your progress too.

Brilliant - he will be amazed and proud!

Hoho, thats very sneaky getupandgo. Your husband will be surprised... and what a great thing to do for yourself too!
Very well done for starting week 6 today
despite the weather and feeling poorly.
Running does give you a good feeling, especially acheiving the sort of times that we felt were beyond our capabilities when we first got off the couch...
Go you for the rest of week 6 and onwards and upwards... you secret runner you.

Lol my husband doesn't know I'm doing this either I'm going to casually drop into the conversation "do you want to do a park run?" Once I've got up to 5k. Can't wait to see the look on his face!! 😂

No, not "*if* I get to the end of this plan" but "*when* I get to the end of this plan"
Congratulations for getting so far and good luck for the remaining few weeks!