Did my first run couch run Monday due to go out today trying to get fit. But feel rather achy after Monday is this normal.
Just getting started: Did my first run couch run... - Couch to 5K
Just getting started

Yep ... I whined non stop to everyone for the first week of this as everything ached but it soon eases and you find things that help to head it off. I've found that a few simple stretches after goes a long way and the weather at this time of year doesn't help if you're outdoors. Well done, you're on the way

Yes - your muscles are bound to complain if you haven't been very active before.
Stretch out religiously after each run - it really helps.
Hi Jess and welcome
It is your body/muscles adjusting to running and will take a while to settle make sure you stretch after each run it is a good habit to get into
Try these - nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/...

Welcome to the community and well done for starting the programme. I found myself very achey after my first run. I put it down to the fact that I hadn't stretched before or after the run. Before I run I make sure that I stretch - just the basic ones I learned during PE at school - focusing on the legs in the particular. I stretch my calves, groin and quads/hamstring. I do stretch out my shoulders as well as sometimes I get a bit of pain there when runing. Since then I haven't ached at all.

As everybody else already said, acheing is normal but the pain should ease with moderate physical activity therefore you should feel better during the warm-up and the runs.
On the other hand, if the pain increases significantly during the runs it might be worth visiting your GP.