completed week last Frid & can get to start week 5 till this Frid-busy with school activities & work....& now only 10 till Xmas.... So what to do....? Do week 5 again.... Till I can move on/get back into routine after the festivities!?
Too busy: completed week last Frid & can get to... - Couch to 5K
Too busy
Don't worry, there are no set rules.
I took a two week holiday after week 5 and didn't lose any of my fitness. I would just take on the run you feel capable of achieving.
A successful run is never a waste and take heart that you will definately be able to complete the program when your schedule allows. Happy running.
Hi - I'm in exactly same position - just completed W4 (YES! YES! YES!) and suddenly all routine is going to disappear with Christmas holidays, kids around and other commitments. I have decided to try W5R1 next time I can run, and then just try and complete that same run as much as possible over the holidays until everyone back at school and routine returns... If I can't manage W5R1, I shall just do W4 as many times as I can so that I don't lose (psychologically?) the feeling that I can do it.
Good luck!
You are important as well you know. I think a lot of us ladies put everyone else before ourselves. These run/walk sessions are only short so make a time slot for yourself. I was watching Strictly the other night and thought at half time "to hell with it" I'm off. It was peeing it down too but once I got out there it cleared up. So glad I went. I only turned out as someone here booted me up the bum.
A two week break might actually work in your favour. Try w4r3 again if you like, but you'll probably find it quite easy (ralatively). You should be able to go straight into w5r1 without losing any perfomance.
It's hard once the kids break up to fit everything in...
Not sure what age they are - but you could take them to the playpark, then run in circles around them
Or just give yourself a break, you're busy enough, why add on extra pressure? Maybe do some squats or lunges each time you wait for the kettle to boil?!
Sure you'll slip back into it once life is less busy
Correct Jelebelly.... Not going to 'guilt trip' myself. My DS has a swim lesson tomorrow so will do my 32 lengths then & hit the treadmill on sat when DS is at karate! Oh & mite fit a wee 'spin' session in on sund morn
Well done Fish! Keep going, it's all good!