Yes, I know I should really try and run without my iPod but I do find it useful and I literally CAN'T WAIT until I have graduated so I don't have to listen to those repetitive songs on the plan - yes! So what are your favourite tunes to run to? I am a bit of a rocker so like some heavy but I am welcome to suggestions - as long as it has a good beat to run to. Cheers
What is your running music?: Yes, I know I... - Couch to 5K
What is your running music?

I love a bit of rock as well but I run to all sorts of stuff
I really like One Republic 's "Love Runs out"
Also, I discovered Pink from using the Sami Murphy podcasts and I love her stuff. My fave (when I am fit) is The Who "Baba O'Riley" Try that! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I find Plan B - She Said - has a brilliant beat for running - it must be perfectly in time with my stride pattern !
Try running to Woodkid - 'Iron' - that'll motivate you into running into battle
Oooh - and Elbow ' The Bones of You' - another favourite from my playlist. Gonna stop now as it's making me want to go out and run

Hi ram I run without any music at all now and find it helps me keep track of my breathing also I enjoy hearing the birds and sounds of the countryside it's amazing X
Hmm yes, part of my run is countryside then it's on pavements next to road so just traffic noise and blokes shouting out of their vans "come on fatty, faster!" etc etc etc... so I need to drown those gits out!
Funny - that's how I feel if I go out walking, I like listening to nature and the countryside, but if I'm running - no way ! Those birdies can keep schtum... (especially ducks - they always sound like they are laughing!)
Now that is the sound I love - ducks! We live in the country and the ducks often waddle up the garden looking for food sometimes they are at the back door and I can hear their laughing - always cracks me up, love them
I'd swap you that for our seagulls !
Oh I love laughing ducks. Seagulls do that too. I had one laugh at me once when I misplaced my car in a store lot.
Just reconfirms my opinion of seagulls
I don't have any real fav's it is kinda just background noise , a slight distraction . have done a few runs without which is good too ...

My favourite accompaniment, if I am having one, is the BBC Ouch disability podcast.
The interesting thing about music though is that for running I like different music to my usual preferences. I treated myself to 101 running songs on graduation.
In summer no music or audiobooks on really long runs. In winter, Dethklok.
I had stopped using music before having to take a break on the IC, but
I have run listening to dharma talks... definitely not my fastest runs

With your user-name, I'd suggest 'Engel' for a bit of pounding, industrial German rock.
Not too fast...
"Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein"
God knows I want to be an angel.
I couldn't do it without these guys!! Especially when you feel like giving up ( about 20 mins in) and they keep insisting I "keep it up now" means I must go on!!

I am a bit of a rock fan. Great app called rock my run gives you great mixes of varying lengths and many different genres.

I like some rock music to accompany my runs too. Fast is definitely better than slow! I'm currently alternating between playlists from Rancid (punk band), Metallica and Megadeth. Need to make a Slayer playlist...

When I started out running, I couldn't run without music. After a few races where you can't listen to music, I kind of got used to running without and just appreciating the world. Now I mostly run with others in a club, so there's lots of chatting going on (On the stretches where I can manage to do other than breath very hard!).

I love "Imagine Dragons" and "XAmbassadors". Sometimes I also listen to a bit of techno. Those are energetic.

Gone naked now, no MP3 allowed on the HM (Sunday) so getting used to it :(, might try audio books on a long run.

I use the official C25K app by the way and pressing on the music icon at the bottom bring up Google Play Music. That's where my playlists are.... no need to listen to cr*p music, ever!

If you have an iPhone you can get a free trial of 3 months for Apple Music and there are lots of rock & alternative running playlists on there.

I am currently running to 80s power ballards!

Another musicless runner here. Always used to run with music, apart from when participating in races, but now I enjoy running without musical accompaniment. Takes some getting used to but great once you are.

I can't and never would, run without mine!

I can have my own music with the app??? laura cuts in when she needs to. I love listening to motivating dancey cheesy stuff that i never normally would listen to. Like Lady Gaga 'The Edge of Glory', Beyonce 'Girls run the world', Britney, 'Stronger' .. David Guetta 'I am Titanium' ..
Yes, I know what you mean. I was even thinking of adding Taylor Swift's Shake it off onto my iPod... UNHEARD OF - I like rock. AC/DC, Metallica, Kiss, Foo Fighters, Taylor Swift? What the?!! but it works - it has a good beat, so it's good to run to.
Hi - I am new to this - just finished W1R3 - and I've just been checking out other posts or inspiration and spot yours. Like you, I'm not keen on the music on the podcast either - i know i need to keep it there and listen to Laura and the timings etc but note that you say you could listen to your own music and have Laura cut it? - can you tell me how to do this?
i've got an i-phone6 with all my music on i-tunes - hope you can help, thanks.
Kaz x
Hi - I am new to this - just finished W1R3 - and I've just been checking out other posts or inspiration and spot yours. Like you, I'm not keen on the music on the podcast either - i know i need to keep it there and listen to Laura and the timings etc but note that you say you could listen to your own music and have Laura cut it? - can you tell me how to do this?
i've got an i-phone6 with all my music on i-tunes - hope you can help, thanks.
Kaz x
Oh I'm sorry I don't know. I just stuck with the podcasts and tbh there was only a couple of songs I really disliked but the good thing about the podcast is the music changes regularly - they never play whole songs as such. Have to say it's nice just to go out running now with just my own music on
Happy running!
It really depends on your mood,Do a self check on how you do your daily routines throughout the day,and see how you react to fast pace music and slow pace music when your busy and alone.You'll see how your mood can change in seconds being in a surrounding that calls your name...if you know what I mean.