What is your real reason for running? - Couch to 5K

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What is your real reason for running?

19 Replies

I run for my mental health. I saw the benefits of walking when I was suffering PSTD and anxiety after the birth of my second son. I genuinely thought I was going crazy. It was struggling so much after an horrific birth, not to enter details but we both could have died. I needed to get out and walk lots, I was probably doing 10k every single day, although my doctors advised me not to as I was sporting a lovely c-section.... Well it was either my mental health or my physical health... I chose the first. So after a walk I was much more calm and slightly happier so this is where I thought running could be much better. But I couldn't do until my son was a bit older and my scar was properly healed. This is really my reason of running, if I get much fitter and I lose some weight then they are bonus!!! What is your story?

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19 Replies
trogdelight profile image

I run for both my mental and physical health. My father died around 18 months ago and hadn't looked after himself properly. In the aftermath of his death, I was heading into a negative spiral. Putting one foot in front of the other at a shuffling speed has enabled me to have some sense of control over my anxiety. At the same time my physical health has improved and I am now a healthier weight and shape. The link between mental and physical health has really surprised me. While I still have panic attacks and grey days, their frequency has diminished since I started looking after myself a bit better.

in reply to trogdelight

I am so sorry for your loss. Losing someone so close is so tough, but thankfully there are ways to cope with grief. I am so glad that running has helped you lots since losing your father. I am sure your dad is looking you down with pride. Your story is an inspiration for all of us. Hugs to you! ❤️❤️❤️

GoGo_JoJo profile image

This is a subject that comes up frequently and a lot of us run for our mental health. I never believed that exercise really did help depression and anxiety until I started c25k at the start of last year.

It really makes a huge difference. The programme itself helps with self confidence and self belief and the continued benefits of running are better than any medication I've tried. 👍🏻😁

in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Yes, indeed I have never believed running has so many benefits that actually help you with so many things. I am glad to hear that helped you so much. Depression and anxiety are really though and they are not something that you can snap out it easily, but they can be beaten if you put some effort in it. But kudos for you doing something about it, but my admiration goes for you when I know it is really hard to even getting out of bed, and the fact you are going to run is something to admire. I know it is something that has been said or post many times, but it needs to raise mental awareness through running. Health centres only advises to get fitter, not so much for mental health. For mental issues they mostly advise you to pursue creativity outlays. And it helps, but it is not the only thing that's out there. Thank you very much for sharing your story, it is truly an inspiration for all of us! Hugs to you and keep running for your wellbeing! ❤️❤️❤️

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to

Thanks. I think you need to be at a point where you have made some progress, I could not have embraced it back when I was first handed the label, but having done a lot of counselling and stocked my virtual toolkit on how to cope I was definitely ready to give it a go and have not looked back. I preach the programme to any that will listen 👍🏻😁

in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Me too, I probably sound a nutter when I do lol🤣

Cakerunner profile image

I also struggle with anxiety, my self confidence and self worth hit an all time low a couple of years ago......however, making time to run, it's helped massively, it gives me time to just think about me......and I always feel so much better afterwards, and yes, I've lost some weight which helps with my confidence as well. I also have an elderly mum, who wouldn't mind me telling you how much she struggles with mobility....I guess part of me thinks if I can keep on running, however slowly....I'll always be able to move? Does that make sense? 🙄

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to Cakerunner

Definitely Sonia. Having lost my Dad at 56 5 years and my mum at 62 last year, both of whom were certainly mobile but did not look after their hearts, and in my mothers case; mind, it made me determined to be fit and healthy. Whilst it may not guarantee me longevity or keep me clear of disease at least I'll know I did what I could 💪🏻👍🏻

in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Definitely I have 2 mottos now, die trying and live your life how you want. Hugs to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

You are definitely making sense Sonia. The thing you neefld to remember that you got through it which is a very good thing. Everyone of course, deal with it different ways but in your case I am just glad running helped so much, and if that makes you feel awesome then great! I just sometimes wish that running should be just for enjoyment not for anything for pain. But I am converted really I wouldn't think it would helped us so enourmously!!!

Cakerunner profile image

It's certainly a journey, this running malarky isn't it?! I have discovered, on my journey, that if I move, with a purpose, I feel better about myself, and running does that for me....that, and the support I have found here ...it's quite unlike any other therapy I have come across 😊

in reply to Cakerunner

That is true!!! I have found the running community so friendly, so welcoming, there is some healthy competition (why not lol) but above all they welcome you whatever running stage you are at. I was so surprised to see how supportive are to beginners.... This is how it should be not like my idiotic PE teachers I had a school as I was put down however small the effort I did, I was met by horrible sniggers either by my teachers or my classmates. That put me a lifetime fear of sports but anyway I am so glad I have conquered it, I am not the best but I am loving this, and this is something I hope my sons will love too. They are small. Do you by any chance know this facegroup called runmummyrun? Obviously it is aimed at mums who run, but if you are and you haven't joined please do, they are lovely bunch too! ❤️❤️❤️

Cakerunner profile image
CakerunnerGraduate in reply to

I haven't heard of that Facebook group, but I shall look for it😊

Buddy34 profile image

For me I wanted to lose weight i put on after stopping smoking . I was eating far too much chocolate and put on 4 and a half stone. So I started brisk walking for a few months then the next step was c25k.

I was miserable being over weight and I know it's not all about how you look but I hated it. So 10 months on from starting running I've lost just over 3 stone and I'm so much healthier and fitter and happy with how I look now . Also I love running so it's a bonus.

I hope your running makes you happy 😊😊

in reply to Buddy34

If you feel great, that what it matters most. I'm so glad to hear you are reaching your goals. I am hoping to do that as well, I am slightly overweight, and big tummy for bearing two sons, I find really hard to shift... But I will do it. Yes running makes me happy, but I also feel I have accomplished something. Not that my life is bad or lazy, but atm, I am very happy with my family but I am always for them and I love doing them, but sometimes, I need some "me time" and running is perfect for me. It is me being healthier mum and wife, and better version of myself! 😁 Thank you for sharing your story. You are inspiration for all of us, and I love that you are always giving encouragement to new runners! Hugs to you ❤️❤️❤️

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate in reply to

Aww thank you

in reply to Buddy34

You are welcome!!!

Barrelsofleaves profile image

The biggest reason is for my mental health, anxiety and lack of confidence in myself.

Another is for my health, I lost weight last year but plateaued and even started putting a few pounds back on after dealing with lots of stress. I'm still overweight but after starting this programme I've never felt better than I do after finishing a run!

Another big reason is simply spending time outdoors with my fiance. We fell in the rut of Netflix and takeaways and always complaining we had nothing to do! When I downloaded it 6 weeks ago I fully expected not to start and just delete it after a few days which I'd done once before. I never expected my fiance to agree to do it with me! He hasn't exercised in the whole 9 years we've been together so it was a shock!😂 We have a ritual now where we high 5 at the end of each run, and a double high 5 at the end of each week. 😊

in reply to Barrelsofleaves

You know what??? I thought exactly the same thing when I downloaded C25K app, I didn't expect to stick with it, but I did, like you. So well done for doing it and you can pat yourself at your back. It is a vicious circle the sedentary life as we always make excuses but I am glad you are doing something about it. More so when your fiancé is supporting you... I absolutely love the story of high fiving at the end of your runs. 🤣🤣🤣I definitely advocate running for your mental health. You will both get there and it is the most important thing, you are doing for yourselves. Running did wonders to my anxiety and PSTD, so you will slowly gain your confidence back and you will be less anxious... You can do it! Big hugs to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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