Well that was fun! Everything went as well as I had hoped. Thanks to everyone who motivated me to do it, I'm very pleased I did! It was nice to do something in the community - all the runners coming together!
I finished in a time of 34:04 (which I am VERY pleased with) without stopping and came 146th out of 180 runners. Did not do well in my age group as I am 25 so I should be much faster I suppose but I was not the very last! Anyway something to build on!
Only worry at the beginning was that it was bl**dy cold and foggy! I hadn't really realised how cold it was so hadn't brought my new running jacket, and had to run with my fleecy hoody which I'd been planning to take off! But it was fine.
I was pleased to go with a friend but we didn't stay running together as you'd all advised and I was happy to go at my own pace - I felt she went off too fast for me right at the beginning so I hung back, and in the end I overtook her by a few positions. We are planning to go again!
I had my headphones in quietly but I think next time I might try without (or atleast one ear out perhaps...I do like my music) to get more of the atmosphere. Would have also liked to stick around a bit more at the end but my friend was gasping for the water in the car!
Nice to get the first one under my belt, and on International parkrun day! I didn't realise it was today although I had read about the anniversary - I have good timing
I hope everyone else's Parkruns went well today! And thank you volunteers!