So yesterday evening I went out for a run with my partner. I was the one that was going "Come on! Let's go on a run!" beforehand but during the run it's fair to say he coped better than me...!
We redid the W9R3 podcast as I haven't looked into anything else yet (thanks others for your pointers, I will do!)
I was a little disappointed he found it so much easier than me, seeing as I've been training for 9 weeks and he hasn't(!), but eh. I kind of knew it would happen as he's just one of these people who can do anything sporty.
We went off much faster than I have done on my solo runs, and I really felt it for just about the whole way! I was gasping for breath and not sure I'd be able to finish. But the main thing I'm happy about is that I DID keep going and he said he was proud of me and amazed I could do it!
We did 5.29km (walks included) with an average pace of 8 minutes/km. I think I might start timing just the runs in future.
All in all I definitely think I prefer running on my own without the pressure of someone beside you, but on the other hand I got more of a workout I suppose?