So this morning I did the first run that I didn't 'have' to do!!! I decided I needed to track and find a 5k circuit that I could work towards. It involves a big circle (3k) and then a smaller one. Unfortunately at the end of the 3k circle I spotted my car, the gremlins kicked in and I stopped. I had all the right excuses, I had left it too late and it was really really hot. I have a cold and I can't remember the others. I totally justified it to myself at the time though. π. The good news is I did 3 k in 20 Minutes. I'm going to try not to be too hard on myself, 20 Minutes is better than nothing and heaps better than two months ago I have also worked out exactly where to park my car so as to avoid this temptation next time πππ
First post graduation run: So this morning I did... - Couch to 5K
First post graduation run

Love those excuses.... so let me guess it was a day of the week with a 'y' in it, the car looked very tempting and it winked at you... these are all the ones I would use and more. So feel free to borrow them next time you have the need. But on the non excuse side of things wow 3k in 20 Minutes that's great pace especially in the heat. And it's so fab that you've got out and done your first 'proper' grown up unprompted run. Brilliant.
You were there!!! The car totally winked at me !!! It would have called the car abuse hotline if I hadn't have gone !
Oh froggyrunner how low have you sunk? - 5ft 4 is my level... It would have called the car abuse hotline had you stayed!!!
Car abuse hotline how can I help you?
My owner is insisting on running around in circles, I feel ignored as my owner knows I can motor in circles....
Oh okay we will page your owner straightaway and failure to return to you, will result in your owner being imprisoned...

Blimey... speedy... that is some run...!
The pressure was off I think! I'd graduated so couldn't fail and didn't need to worry so much about being able to finish the run. I might have subconsciously decided I wasn't doing 30 minutes though π
Yes.. that works doesn't it... I did a 3K on Sunday... and had decided similarly... it went well , as it was only my second, proper, run since climbing off the IC..!
Ha, those pesky cars and their luring abilities. 3k in 20 minutes - I can only dream