I am still very slow but I just did my fastest pace 30 minute run. 9.49 min/km previously my best was 10.11 per km.
A PB: I am still very slow but I just did my... - Couch to 5K

Hey well done , always great to get a PB

Well done (impressed with your running tunes too!)

Slow? It's all relative.
What's important is to enjoy running and celebrate every achievement, particularly during those first nine weeks, where it doesn't matter how slow or fast it feels. Anyone who laces up their running shoes and hits the road is a winner in my book. I think you're doing just fine!
- DEJA VU!!!! - (see post before yours)
Seriously, that's a great achievement. Well done you!
You're running about the same pace as me. I often average just over 9min/km (rarely over 10min/km anymore). But remember an average pace like this means you're going both faster and slower during the run (unless you have a really steady pace). I find that every now and then the bits where you're going a bit faster become easier to sustain, especially when the finishing point is in sight, and you get a faster overall pace. This I why I think it works to keep running as slow as you can. Speeding up happens when you feel ready
That's a good point. I like knowing my pace and trying to beat my own pace. Yesterday I when I was almost looking at over 10min/km I pushed myself to get under the 10.
I use the endomondo app which calls out my time after each km. So my first km (which I do really slow) might be 11min something, but then the subsequent ones become gradually faster. I get used to expecting certain times for each km. I use this to manage my pace for each km as well as bearing in mind the overall picture. Sometimes if your pace has been slow for most of the run it means you feel you have enough energy reserve to really speed up at the end too. I think the garmin watches etc can show you what pace you're doing at any given point during the run - even more technical!
Yes. I use the Mapmyrun app and I have got it to tell me every 5 minutes. I like to go fast at first and then again at the end. This was my best run overall.
Okay that's interesting. I haven't thought of doing the slow bit in the middle. I might try that.