Wow, it's soooo hot here at the moment. I managed run 1 a couple of days ago by going out in the dark after ten at night when the temperature finally dropped below 30 (to a freezing 28, lol!) Today I completed run 2 with no possibility of waiting til late on, but it has cooled slightly today so it was 29.5. I found running in the heat really hard but I'm proud that I achieved it, even if I didn't much enjoy it! Any advice on running in the heat would be gratefully received (I don't have access to an air conditioned gym unfortunately! )
Wk7 R2: Wow, it's soooo hot here at the moment... - Couch to 5K
Wk7 R2

Well done - you beat us to W7R2! Never thought I'd be looking forward to cooler weather or even a light rain shower...

Same thing here in western Canada. C25K has ground to a halt. I did W8R1 the other day, and in 28 min only covered the distance I usually run in 25 min. And it was after 10 at night (which means that I then give myself terrible runner's insomnia). The heat is just killing me generally.
That's really interesting you mentioned runner's insomnia - that night I didn't manage to get to sleep until 4 in the morning...could this have something to do with it? I will be keeping a close eye out.
Yes, from physiological point it makes a lot of sense. Exercise raises Cortisol, which is incidentally the hormone that peaks highest right before we wake up in the morning (it's what wakes us up!). So if we run late, we have excess Cortisol kicking around our blood stream at the time of day it ought to be lowest (bed time).

Well done for managing to do the run in the heat. You're not struggling alone, I did w9 r1 tonight my time was terrible and my throat hurts from how badly I was breathing but I did it. Stick at it, unfortunately the nice weather never lasts so it shouldn't be long before the runs feel a bit more comfortable x
Trouble is, here where I live it lasts through to at least the end of September, so I have to find some way of managing it. The ideal would probably be to get up early in the morning, but I have never been able to get out of bed at 5.30 / 6.00 unless it was a necessity for work, and then it was at least an hour and a half before I could function properly - I am just not a mornings person, even though I dearly wish I was!

I love the heat except when I'm running so don't envy you. I don't usually carry a drink when I'm running but if I have to run when it's hot again I will definitely carry one as I think that was part of the problem x