Im only 5 ft in height and weigh 13 stone. - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Im only 5 ft in height and weigh 13 stone.

Grantrussell6 profile image
39 Replies

Im very depresed about my weight and need to do something about it. Im also 46 years old. Is this plan too much for me, as even having a bath feels like a workout. years ago I did zumba and loved it, but I cant afford that now. Anyone who can give me advice or inspiration gratefully needed an appreciated. Thanks.

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Grantrussell6 profile image
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39 Replies
runswithdogs profile image

I think you can modify the program to whatever you are capable of. If you can't run off the bat, you could try walking faster during the 'running' sections of the podcast. If you can run a little, give it a try. If you only make the first 60 seconds, try for two sets the, next time. One fellow on here did the program on a stationary bike. It's worked for all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities, so you've come to the right place. Music is probably better for zumba though ;)

Dawn47 profile image

You can do it.......just go slow and do what you can.......I couldn't run the 60 seconds 7 weeks I'm running for 25 mins......unbelievable...I'm 47 and over weight......never ran in my life ( not even for a bus ) lol.......go for it you will feel loads better 😃😃😃😃

GoogleMe profile image

If you can walk 30 minutes - not especially briskly - you can do the NHS C25K. It's good if you have trainers you can wear but I started in walking boots and normal clothes. You'll need something to play the podcasts on. You could try Freegle for shoes and mp3 player if you don't have them.

It took me a lot of goes to get Week 1 completed but I used a strategy of walking the rest of the session if I'd not been able to keep running at any point. This was great motivation to complete to at least the point I'd managed before each time. The interesting thing is that I never had to do a single extra session after Week 1, so progress is not linear.

The sense of achievement is tremendous and being outdoors is good for the soul. If possible, you might want to find somewhere with a softer surface to run on than tarmac or concrete.

By the end of C25K, and with attention (though not slavish) to my diet, I had gone from obese to overweight and my 'rump' had disappeared - even though it doesn't burn many calories. I have to spend most of my life in bed due to ill-health. I can certainly relate to your bath being a workout. I still want to laugh when I run because it is such a mad thing to do... but here I am more than 3 years later, still running and now a healthy weight.

Good luck, and we all want to hear how you get on now!

Daddio1958 profile image

Stick with it and take it slow and you will do it. I am 56 and last year ran my first 10k having not run for a very long time. I lost 2 stone and am keeping my weight down. I now run three or four times a week and feel lost without it. I also feel much much better. Good luck and keep us all updated how you are getting on.

Pat184 profile image

I was 73 when I started the programme 3 years on still out there jog walking and loving it ,take it very slow do what Laura said and you will be fine . I had lots of ups and downs but soldiered on throughout ,take a look at some of my old posts, you will get lots of inspiration from all the lovely people on HU .🏃🏼🏃🏼😀

Grantrussell6 profile image
Grantrussell6 in reply to Pat184

Wow. Thank you. Will look at photos now. x

HJBates profile image

I'm only 5t 4in and heavier than you but can now run 5k without stopping! I started the programme in mid-Feb this year and along with being more careful about my calorie intake have lost two stone - so weighed considerably more than you when I started! I started week 1 wearing a hoodie and only running when it was dark so no-one would see me - but now I go out whenever I like in proper running gear and don't care who sees me. Get started - it will be the best thing you can do for yourself!

dexdog profile image

I am 48, 5ft 4 and 16.5stone. I am now week 5 and have run 2 tonight. I have never posted anything before but read other posts for motivation. You can definitely do it and it is definitely mind over matter. Each new run I tell myself there is no way I can run for that long. By the time I get to actually run I have talked myself around and go for it. Now I am starting to believe it!! (although 8 minutes is a long time!) but I will give it my best. The key is I run REALLY slowly but once through the programme and more confident I know I can build on speed.

Have a go you will be surprised what you can do and don't be afraid to repeat a week. I did an extra run in week 3, just to build confidence.

This programme really does work if you trust it and don't talk yourself out of it.

Have a go and you will already be running faster than those sitting on the couch!!!

Peperami66 profile image

Grant, I was always 13 stone and found running carrying that weight so much harder but now I have lost weight and run I see someone who is much bigger than I ever was running regularly and does a park run finishing nowhere near the back. I don't know how he does it, but he does.

I started couch to 5k in March six months post liver transplant, that held me back obviously. I was down after doing week one, like you, because I knew I had cheated by walking more than Laura allows. So, the simple thing to do was to repeat that week and just make sure that no matter how slow I was I would not cheat. I graduated 8 weeks later

runningwife1 profile image

Good, encouraging replies, but all I would add is that, if you are a bit strapped for money, as I always am since we retired, I did the C25K last year and didn't have any fancy gadgets, ipods, iphones, etc to use. I just looked up what I had to do on my laptop, wrote the stages on a scrap of paper and put it in my old charity shop bottoms pocket to keep looking at as I did it. I don't imagine I looked any dafter than a lot of the "wired up" folks I see running our streets. Yes, you can run without one singe gadget strapped to you!!!!!!

But, if it is so very hard for you, why not just do the walking bits very, very slowly, and then do the running bits only a bit faster, but walking just enough to make you a tiny bit puffed? It will slowly get easier, or even just do the whole thing walking for a start, and with a friend if possible, to chat you as you go, and forget about the time?

Bazza1234 profile image

I was 67 years old when I started running - but I was very nervous about it all and thought that C25K was too much for me -- so I did this 7 week training course (designed by Jeff Galloway for the famous American Mayo Clinic.)

It is a much easier introduction to running - during your first week you will only run for 15 second periods and will still only be running for 30 second periods at the end of 7 weeks ( BUT you will be covering 6.4 klms ( 4 miles) ). I was very pleased that I started out this way - and went on to complete C25K.

Anniemurph profile image

I would say, have a go. I'm 5' 2", was 14 stone when I started and 48 years old. I had a pair of trainers and a sports bra already but the rest was just t-shirt and trackie bottoms, plus an old mp3 player. It took me 50 runs to graduate not the standard 27 because I kept having to repeat them. But I made it and now I run regularly and enjoy it (well, sort of!) and have lost 3 stone and have stoned up. This isn't because of running, but because of lifestyle changes - which running contributed to.

If you can't run all the first bits, walk them at a faster pace. Then run when you can. The 'run' bit is perhaps misleading - this means do it slowly. Not fast: s-l-o-w-l-y. Honest! Speed and distance come later if you want them to, the aim of the programme is just to get you out and running.

Best of luck with it if you do decide to have a go. You can do it!

Romany1 profile image

Please don't get disheartened, seriously consider slimming world, online is great, I did and have not felt on a diet at all, I have lost a stone and a half in 4 months, please give it a try, if I can do it so can you

roozone profile image

I'm just a year younger and 3 inches taller but I've done it. You just have to start on Week one and do the best you can, and if you need to repeat a week then that's ok. You will be amazed how quickly you progress. Keep posting and let's us know how you get on 🏃🏻🚶😀

size12goal profile image

Hi, I started in a similiar place to you age and weight wise. I have now lost 7kg, sorry not sure what that is in stones and I have 3 kg more to loose. Slow and steady is best. I have been going since January 5th. My advice would be to track all your food, every last drink and nibble. Then you can see what you can trim to start cutting back. I limited myself to 3 biscuits/treats per day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. This gave me something to look forward to. I now find that somedays I only have one or two treats and I don't miss it.

I also increased my walking speed, I already walked about 4k per day, but now I do it faster.

There are a lot of inspiring stories on here - you have come to the right place. :)

I haven't read the other posts to this, so I might be repeating other things, but do look at the 5:2 diet and the dietdoctor, just google and they will appear!!

Best of luck and you have made a great leap forward already just by joining in here. :)

size12goal profile image

forgot to say I am only 5ft tall too.:)

Laineydglm profile image

I'm 5 foot 3 and 17 stone myself, did no walking or exercise before starting this. I have spina bifida so have to be careful with my back.

I just completed week5 run3 this morning, and I've not had to repeat any stages at all so far, I've had no aching after the sessions (although they aren't easy at the time lol) and no stitches or ill effects so far. I do jog very slowly though, so maybe that's why.

Anyway I think if I can do it most anyone else can probably do it, but saying that it's always a good idea to check with Dr if you are unsure :-)

Jigglypuff_62 profile image

Grantrussell6, I'm 52, 5 ft 3 and 18 stone. I started 4 weeks ago (did W4R1 yesterday). I've lost about 6 lbs just through being careful about what I eat - lots of fresh fruit, salad, low cal yoghurts. I went out at the weekend and had burger and chips - lol - but I feel I can allow myself that treat because over all I'm getting fitter and healthier. I've also lost inches off my waist and hips. I run indoors, round and round my living room and kitchen because I'm too afraid to go out yet. I feel more alive, healthier and positively look forward to my runs. In fact on the "off" days I'm doing the strength and flexibility podcasts.

When I realised the runs yesterday stepped up to 5 mins the fear clutched my heart, but I focused on the music and completed the runs without having to stop and not even gasping for breath. Knowing that in total I'd run for 16 minutes was awesome! This programme is brilliant - follow the advice from all the lovely people on here, take it slowly, don't beat yourself up if you have to repeat runs/weeks, just persevere, it will all be worth it!

Grantrussell6 profile image
Grantrussell6 in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Awe thanks for your support. Think this is the best thing I could have done. What a wonderfull community. Thanx.

Windswept1 profile image

Go for it, like the others say.

Also if you want to lose weight as well, there is lots of free advice on this link. The 12 week plan is very good. It also has a support forum like this one.

Listen to these people! X :D X

raven19 profile image

Hey don't give up. We all have bad hair days. So when you don't feel like exercise, walk or do simple yoga stretching. There are relaxing videos which help to feel better. There is nothing wrong in being fat. Slowly and surely , you will do better. Put on some disco songs and shake a leg or two. Or listen to your favourites happy songs. Hang in there. This is not the of life. So chin up. Here is a song for you.

Pamchopslim profile image

This programme is brilliant! I have never run and yet have just done week 6! It's very much mind over matter and be as slow as you need to be. I'm 5"4 and overweight and am keen to address my fitness at 43 ready to face whatever battles life is sure to throw at me in later years! I haven't lost weight yet and actually have put on a bit because I've been rewarding myself a bit too much! So the next thing is to reign the food in a bit because I know I will find this running lark a bit easier if I lose a few pounds (back i trot to slimming world!). Good luck and do give it a go as the sense of achievement it gives you really can't be bought! X

VikkiHigg profile image

You can do it - I'm 13 stone and 5'7'' and did my 5k on Saturday. The only thing you MUST get right is trainers - go to a shop where they can do your gait analysis. I went to Run Stuff and mine cost £65 I think but I have an arthritic hip so have to be careful. Doc said this morning there is no evidence that running damages joints as long as you have good trainers. The first week was the hardest by a long way but keep going and you will get there and it's such a sense of achievement!

Pigivi profile image

Go for it! As runwith dogs and others have said, start by walking - or follow BAzza's advice and use his plan.

And for some inspiration and advice:

jules50 profile image

Your already on the way to success because you've made the decision to try this program and get up of the couch, so be proud of yourself!! :)

misswobble profile image

Yes, lots of great tips there. If you're skint it doesn't matter, like someone says above you can run without any tech at all. I cadged an mp3 player as I didn't have one. I borrowed (and still do) my neighbours dogs and I walked with them for miles to get my weight down, get me off the sofa and moving. I joined WeightWatchers, ditched crap food, and knuckled down. The walking with the dogs was free but it is great exercise and I still do it. I go hiking too now, which costs nothing. I got cheapo shoes from SportsDirect as it was all I could afford but they were lovely (still are) Karrimor Tempo.

I bought an exercise DVD, you can get em free from the charity shops, and have a go at those at home. Great fun!!!! Close the curtains and get moving

C25k is a lovely programme and it's saved zillions of folks worldwide from being overweight and unhealthy. it's brilliant. You came to the right place.

As you can see, most of us here have walked in your shoes. I am 5'3" and have lost 4 stones 3 lbs. Once I got running longer (post c25k) I lost more weight. Eating healthy for me though is key

Good luck with your get fit plan.

runningphobe_no_more profile image

Wot they sed!! I was 60 when I started last year. I downloaded the podcasts onto my phone (not an Iphone). Bought a good pair of shoes after the first run, and have never looked back - except to cheer about how far I've come.

I didn't lose much weight, but I've gone down a clothes size, and I feel so much better, I'm beginning to bore people telling them about it. Go for it - but slowly!!

PS I didn't change my eating and drinking habits much, I'm afraid - that might come next...

Bob11235 profile image

I am taking prednisone and my weight is increasing. Are you taking prednisone?

Grantrussell6 profile image
Grantrussell6 in reply to Bob11235

Hi, no im not, but I was on mirtazipine antidepressants so asked my doc to change them as they do put on weight. No excuse tho, Ive just not been eating properly. My partner is on predisolone and his weight has balooned. He is unfortunately disabled in a wheelchair. Cheeky sod said I can run the programme pushing him, yeah right. lol.

grahammargaret profile image

Go for it all movement is positive and if you have to repeat so what just see it as a bit extra and not as a negative thing to put you off. I started calorie counting after easter. It works for me i find it easy to keep track and it allows me to have a treat if i get desperate. I compred my calorie intake with a friend on slimming world and we are about the same and i am sticking to healthy alternatives as much as possible. I have not banned any food but just try v hard to eat loads more of the good stuff. And yes i get desperate for chocolate and wine so have them counted in now and again. Would kill for an indian takeaway though. But ibam not paying a club so saving money. I have just started week 7. I have to keep checking in as i am sure i have got it wrong as I have never run in my life always hated it and thought i was definitley not built for it. I have lost about 2 stone and 2 dress sizes. As the weeks have gone on i havebfound that i actually enjoy the running. I love being out and yes i did startt by hiding behind a bush to run. ( not anymore though ). The food i want to eat has changed. I dont know why but am putting it down to the fact my body just wantms different things now because of the running. I look in the mirror and i do not recognise the person in the reflection. I dont mean in looks i mean in attitude mental well being and happiness because of how much fitter and healthier i feel. Dontbget me wrong i am a great believer in getting your head in the right place before starting because it is then easier to stick with it because you really want the result. And i am not yet at the end of my journey. All of that said i cannot believe that i seem to have an addiction to running and that i feel guilty !!!!!!!! If i dont stick to my plan forthat week. I am almost ready to enter my first officail 5k run which was beyond possible 7 weeks ago.

I am 48 and a curvy girl. So i just want to wish you good luck as you start this new adventure and would ask that you keep us updated on your progress. By the way change for life has loads of lovely easy calorie counted meals. Pitta pizzas and spaghetti carbonara are two of my favourites. Take a look

Kemp profile image

Hi Grantrussell6 I am 62 and 3 stone over weight 5ft 2" and I have just finished week 1 I am not saying it was easy I have had to work out my pace and breathing , I have never run before and went off like a rabbit , then after 60sec I thought I was going to die,so my first run was not good, my second run I walked for some of the run times, but yesterday I did it my 3rd run I did it so come on you little spring chicken I'm doing it so can you,

alijabu profile image

This plan is absolutely not too much for you. I am now just about to start week 7. When I started week 1 I found it almost impossible to run at all, and infact repeated the 3 runs in week 1 twice before even attempting to move on to week 2. By thinking about following this plan, you have already taken a big step forward. Have a go, repeat weeks if necessary, but you will be amazed my what you can achieve. I have never run before and used to get out of breath walking up flights of stairs, so I know what you can achieve. Go for it!! x

Jemimatoo profile image

Hi Grantrussel

I am a very lapsed graduate, I did this program about 2.5 yrs ago and loved it!

For a lot of personal reasons I had to stop and am now heavier than I've ever been (similar height and weight to you)

Your post has inspired me to get started again. I know I'll be slower than last time, but I know the program works and will get me moving again

Very best of luck with it. Maybe we can inspire each other!

Grantrussell6 profile image
Grantrussell6 in reply to Jemimatoo

Awe thank you. yes, lets do it. I need to get a little i pod tho. Any idea where to get a cheap one. You are more than welcome to add me on facebook. its Jennifer Moffat. Picture of my wee boy n dog, and trees in background.

Jemimatoo profile image
JemimatooGraduate in reply to Grantrussell6

I'm not on Facebook I'm afraid.

No idea about an MP3 player, maybe Argos or Tesco? I can play it on my phone.

I've just been to sainsbo's to buy a sports bra (essential kit!) and hope to get out this evening. Could you borrow something to play it on for now, just to get started.

I think getting started is sometimes the hardest now you've decided to get going it would be good to get out as soon as possible!


in reply to Grantrussell6

Have you got a cash converters near you for an ipod/other type of mp3 player? You should be able to get a simple one quite cheaply. Or do you have a smart phone? I have a windows phone and was able to stream the podcasts quite easily on there.

davelinks profile image

It is mind over matter, and tough to start with. If you are generally in good health you can use c25k and listen to Laura on an ipod and really percivere, you will reap the benefits. I have, just do it! I'm overweight, but improving all the time at w7.

Can't see that doing only 60 secs of running at w7 is beneficial, I think it needs to be more and continuous at that stage, but probably anything helps to some affect.

Is there anyone you could do the programme with? I find it helps a lot.

You need to keep the positivity there. Good luck

lucieiecul profile image

You need to start C25K! You won't regret it! Even if you have to repeat the earlier runs a few times to build stamina, you'll soon be so impressed with how fast you can go/how much further your body will go if you will it to.

I remember trying to run to the end of my drive and feeling defeated (and my drive isn't long!). Now I can run for a few miles (approx 5K!) without stopping and when I tell my body to go further it listens!

Running is free and can be as varied as you want it to be. You can try different routes and locations and listen to all kinds of different music/audiobooks as you go. I'm also depressed about my weight and this programme has given me an amazing opportunity to get healthier and look better. Don't feel defeated - just give it a go :) :) xxx

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