So, a while back I started putting a £1 in a piggy bank whenever I went out for a run. I think I might have read someone doing that on here. Anyway, I celebrate my first anniversary of running on 27th May and I got £25 of Amazon vouchers as a gift from work - what better excuse to have a spend up? I raided the piggy bank - £70! I got the Garmin Forerunner 10 GPS that has been on offer on Amazon. Then I looked on Sweatshop and found that the trainers that I've got (& like very much) had been reduced to £48. Mine are still OK but still £48 .... clicked and purchased. I'm picking them up in store so I'll get a £5 voucher from that as well. These things have made me ridiculously happy - not just the purchases but the fact that they were both reduced makes it even better (yes I know I spent a bit more than my savings/Amazon combo). Does that make me sad? Getting over excited about such things at my age? I don't care!!! If I did read about putting away a £1 per run on here I thank whoever wrote it. If I read it somewhere else then I'm passing this on to you all ... £1 a run soon mounts up if you run 3 times a week.
Spending spree ....: So, a while back I started... - Couch to 5K
Spending spree ....
What a good idea. Might start doing that. Although these days one uses cash so infrequently, pound coins are a rather scarce commodity (see also: having children).
Well done Sharon. You have to publish a pic of the shoes on here. It's the tradition. Your Garmin too if you like. Go mad! Oh you did! LOL
Hi there,
That is an excellent idea. You have inspired me to do the same.
Good luck with your running
ok so I'll start a new piggy bank. I look on amazon and ebay quite a lot. I have my eye on several bits of new running gear. I cannot believe the amount of money I've spent on running stuff since I started. But it's all got a purpose (well apart from the UA jogging bottoms which are no good for running, but look good and were ridiculously cheap)
Hi Sharon, that is a really good idea !
Paid off for you n'all cos now youve got some good stuff . Love it ! xxx
Fabulous idea! Love it.
Fantastic idea. I'm going to start that straight away
Garmin AND shoes? You spoilt runner! Great idea...