Started c25k again after 6 month break, following knee injury. Week 1, day 1 done. Feels slightly disheartening that I was only 2 runs away from graduating 6 months ago, but feels good to have run and knee held up! Any tips for dodgy knees?!
Started again today : Started c25k again after... - Couch to 5K
Started again today

Squats, lunges, more squats, wall squats, ITB stretches, one legged squats and then some more squats for good measure. Every day.

Haha I hate that word squats. Fills me with dread 😀 but is good advice as strengthening the leg muscles will support your knees also try KT tape for additional support I use it you can get a roll on Amazon £6 -£7 lasts a few weeks leave on 3-4 days you tube videos give advice how to tape 😀

I used to have a dodgy knee. I think taking things steady to build the strength up really helped. I have also been doing the exercises on the link below on my non-running days and my knees feel so much stronger.
They are pretty much the instructions for what Rignold described
Oh thanks, I've bookmarked that link ready to start tomorrow! Love that you said you "used to have" dodgy knee, gives me hope!!
I did it gardening in my pre-running days!!!! It was awful - I could barely walk some days and the pain could take your breath away. I was ssssooooo worried it would prevent me from running but I started with a knee support and kept stretching and all is well. I got a little niggle when I pushed myself too hard but a couple of weeks of slow / shorter / easier runs and it was fine again.
I have had painful knees since the age of 16 so I definitely know from dodgy knees. Squats are probably too much - although if you out a Swiss exercise ball at your back and go down a wall to squat that may help. Lunges are hell for sore knees. I couldn't even swim my knees were that sore.
The best exercises for knees are ones that don't put pressure on them - so no high-resistance cycling, running, squatting lunging etc....
Sitting on the floor with your knee over a foam roller or rolled up towel and lifting the leg off the floor to strengthen your quadriceps. You can also do that sitting down. This link has some good basic exercises to get you started off and maybe soon you'll be able to do ball squats. You can also fasten a resistance band to one leg and lift the other up slightly off the floor in front of you.
Also make sure your hamstrings aren't too short (mine are) stretch them!
You could also look into a support while you're building the muscles up.
Look on physiotherapy sites for sound knee advice.
That is really good advice HopelessCause- thank you! I too am 2 runs away from graduation but it feels like 200 at the moment because of my knees. I could no more do lunges at the moment than climb Mt Everest! I have worn knee supports since I started running, taken anti-inflammatory painkillers, stretched, iced and tried some of the recommended knee exercises (not lunges!) but my rest period is getting longer and longer between runs. I always enjoy my run, just not the 10 days in between where I struggle to get around!!
Time to seek professional advise me thinks
That's a good idea, Couchy.
I'm actually partly expecting my knees to be a major issue with running and they definitely did grumble a bit after my first run. Getting a pro opinion will put your mind at rest OR at least make an informed decision about whether to continue or not.
If I had listened to the Drs 30 odd years ago I would have done nothing my entire life and I'm in pain sitting doing nothing anyway so I tend to blunder on ahead regardless and I've never had a knee injury (touch wood!).
Good luck!