Well decided to do this a day early, as flying out to Spain this evening.
Went out at 8am this morning and just smashed it, I had read all the advice about the first 20 min run on here. I set off at a slow pace and didn't let the gremlins in my head. Concentrated on my music and looked around at the scenery. Laura reminding me every 5 mins how far I had run! I find this more a positive experience than how far I have left to run.
5 weeks ago I struggled to run for 60 seconds, still cant believe I managed to run 25mins non stop( got to 20 felt so good I carried on for another 5)
I am going to rest up till Friday before I start week 6 in the Sun.
Thank you C25K community, just reading week 5 posts, gave me a lot of positives to get me through this morning.