It was going so well but I sort of guessed this might happen at some stage. The distinct pain in the arch of my foot has been getting progressively more painful and to make matter worse I have today cricked my neck.
This has the wonderful effect of turning me into some sort of very badly controlled stick puppet, whilst I have to move my shoulders around in time with my head. Even Bill and Ben have got something on me on this one!
According to the wife I have planty fashy-eye-tus. It was only when I typed into Google that I realised her West Country accent was playing tricks with me again and it was actually something far less interesting.
The article also advised me that it was not to be confused with "Policeman's Foot" which was something completely different. How nice for the police to have a condition named after them when we are stuck with nipple friction ailments.
The it got me thinking that there are of course a whole range of injuries and ailments with name attachments such as Tennis Elbow, Runners Knee and of course the aforementioned Joggers Nipple. I haven't had the pleasure of any of those but I have had Athletes Foot, although that was more to do with wearing nylon socks and shoes that couldn't breath.
It started me thinking to other pastimes with associated names and my mind turned to when I learned to juggle. I suppose Jugglers Wrist sounds a lot better than RSI but soon realised that finding a home for Jugglers Balls could be much more fun.
Anyway, I need to let my foot and neck heal before I can go venturing forth again. All I can say is that thank God I didn't get Writers Cra