Looking for a present for my hubby - saw a little tin of something or other with 'grumpy Old-Git' on it. Don't think he would have appreciated it, but I know some-one I could have bought it for!
PRESSIE: Looking for a present for my hubby... - Couch to 5K
But Buffy, Old_Git is not the least bit grumpy
Yes that's where the idea fell down a bit
Hi Buffers, cant you just cross the Grumpy bit out with a black marker pen ?
It'll be okay, no one will be any the wiser .
See, sometimes you gotta think outside the box xxx
This reminds me of a tee shirt I once saw which said on the front "sometimes I wake up grumpy" and on the back it said "and sometimes I leave him sleeping". I always regret not buying it at the time.
Great one. I think we should have a c25k shop with all our logos available. A good name wasn't something I thought of when I joined - one of my favourites which I quote all the time is 'Useitorloseit'. And AncientMum.
Ha ha I've got that on a fridge magnet!
The quote I mean. Just read Buffy's post too - I'm glad you like my username - it said what I felt about my poor old body when I signed up!
How you doing at the moment?
Feeling good - the sunshine always makes me feel better. Grey = tired and poorly; sunny = energy and cheery. I'm back up to running nice slow 5ks which I love, and a few shorter quicker ones, which I hate and which make me have to take to my bed after. I'm definitely an endurance girl - this bod was NOT built for speed! I just had a lapse of resolve and ended up in SD again this afternoon - bought some lovely purple gear. I shall look very beautiful with my purple body and orange garmin. Folk will swoon about me.
I love the sun too - everything's rosy when the sun shines. Naturally we'll be needing a photo soon!
He he. In our back garden, we have a sign attached to the fence with says "Here lives a beautiful lady and a grumpy old sod" It wouldn't be so bad but I was pretty much forced to attach it to said fence.
and whats wrong with being a grumpy old git