I'm planning to do my first park run tomorrow but so nervous! I've run 5k twice In around 42 minutes, so snail's pace! Worried I'll lose my nerve and end up not being able to run the whole way, or that I'll be a blatant beginner. Still haven't got round to buying proper running stuff so it's just my usual joggers. Any wisdom?
Park run nerves: I'm planning to do my first... - Couch to 5K
Park run nerves

You don't have to run the whole way, just run when you can. It's the fact you are doing it that matters most.

which one are you doing? have you looked at their results page?
Introduce yourself to the last runner. You will hopefully find them really friendly, the ones I have been to have all been very friendly.
Dont be nervous, even if you just go along to say hi, then while you are there, you may as well just run the course

Hi - try not to let your nerves get the better of you. I'll be doing my fifth park run tomorrow, and I am slow but have had a PB four weeks running it's a great feeling to get to the end, the marshals and volunteers are all positive and encouraging as are many of the runners and athletes. I, too, just turn up in old joggers, old trainers and an old fleece - no 'kit' to speak of - and am always near the back - it really doesn't matter! I nearly turned round and went home the first time - there were so many stretching athletes and brightly coloured kits gathered I thought 'what on earth am I doing here?' But I braved it and I am SO glad I did
As well as encouragement from other runners, marshals and volunteers there are also 'tail runners' at our park run to make sure the slowest of us are ok - it really is an inclusive and positive experience.
Parkrun runners are such a supportive bunch, walk, jog, skip or crawl your way round, they will cheer you on, pat you on the back and help you to the finish in any way theycan. Enjoy yourself and let us know how you got on. I have only done 4 parkruns and I love it!

Some people do well over an hour at our local park run so you certainly won't be the slowest

Park runners are cool with whoever who turns up. There are runners of all sorts there. All ages, shapes and sizes. No-one will bat an eyelid at what you wear. They are used to beginners. It's THE place for beginners. You do get fast runners as they use the 5k for speed training. Keep left to allow them to whizz past you. I didn't know anyone when I pitched up for the first time but folks were really friendly and made me feel welcome
You'll be fine, don't worry. Enjoy yourself!
1) Don't lose your nerve !
2) You don't have to run the whole way, if you need to walk its totally acceptable.
3) Blatant beginners are usually very welcome.
4) Nobody cares what you are wearing. Be comfortable.
5) Good Luck ! Hope you enjoy the experience...

Just go and enjoy yourself. Parkruns are great for everybody in my experience. Just don't go off too fast and I'm sure you will be fine. Let us all know how it goes x

LittlePolarBear, just enjoy it!! Don't worry about anything.
I am sure everyone has the same concerns at their first parkrun, so everyone going round will know just what you are going through and be supportive.
I doubt if you will be the slowest, tail runners are usually over 45 minutes, even so, there is usually a volunteer allocated to follow the tail runners and they are chosen specifically to be supportive and let you go at your own pace.
Have a great day!

Relax and enjoy it! Try to go at your own pace (the tempation is to get dragged into going off to fast as every one suddenly dashes from the start!) and really don't worry if you need to walk. Lots of people do. As to what to wear - it's Easter weekend this weekend, so don't be surprised if some of the people turn up in fancy dress... anything goes. Don't be shy - mention to someone that it's your first time and people will generally make sure you know where you are meant to be going and what to do.

You'll be absolutely fine. At 42 minutes you certainly won't be last. On Saturday we had some runners taking 55 minutes - I think they walked everything bar the first couple of hundred metres. There will be the super speedys there, and there will be the slow coaches as well. Everyone is very relaxed about it.
Go out and have fun!

Hi littlepolarbear, this is my big aim too. I hope you had a fantastic time and everyone was nice 😀

Well.. Big embarrassing fail on my part! Fell asleep on the sofa last night and forgot to set my alarm! So it was just the next in my run keeper workout for me today. But thank you so much to all for your encouragement, feel a lot better about doing it (hopefully next week) now. I think the fear comes from reading back on the forum at some peoples awful first park run experiences, but I did have a little look at the timings for last week's park run in my local area and there were a few coming in at 52 minutes or thereabouts, I'm fairly confident I wouldn't be last. Thank you so much everyone <3 have a fab Easter weekend. P.s. Beginners advice: don't do the interval training session on run keeper if your energy is coming from Easter eggs and hot cross buns - it hurts!
Never mind - there's always next week. I've just checked today's times at my local park run and there would have been at least a dozen runners behind you. At 42 minutes you'll be fine. I think you'll find that you would put in a better time at parkrun anyway than you could run alone. At parkrun I invariably run about 2 and a half minutes faster than I do when I cover the same distance on my own. I think it's the atmosphere there that does something for me.

Good luck with your parkrunning ! I had a time of 42 minutes on my first parkrun (part run/walking). I did my 4th today - I'm sure you will be fine. Good luck and let us know how you get on x