After a RIDICULOUS amount of research, I finally decided what to do, and ordered these Asics online - not cheap, but a lot cheaper than the last pair I regretted buying this week, and I had an Amazon voucher that covered half the cost. Anyway, free returns if they're no good. I hope they are! Nobody I know is the slightest bit interested in trainers, so forgive me for sharing on here
New shoes winging their way to me!: After a... - Couch to 5K
New shoes winging their way to me!

They look almost exactly the same as my karrimors!
You obviously have great taste too...

They are well earned new shoes
Thanks. I kind of thought so too, and I don't feel so guilty now!
I've just ordered some new trainers as well and am just as giddy with excitement
I'm liking the purple on yours!
Great. What did you go for?
Brooks Adrenaline. £65 so I'm a happy bunny. They're the same as the ones I was fitted for a while back (more modern version though) so I'm dead chuffed to find them (all of the markings have rubbed off mine so it took a bit of detective work to work out what I had).
The only thing is, I'm doing a HM in three weeks time so I won't want to actually wear them until after just in case they're not right and they cause me problems
Oh and they're pink ... still, £45 off ... beggars can't be choosers
Well, they'll match that cap of yours, and they sound like a real bargain, so all good!

Can't believe this - don't know how / whether its poss / being trying for a bit / to post you a photo - have given up and done it on my own news feed - take a look!
My post isn't loading for some reason - I'm not a tech expert - but anyway, just to explain - I have virtually the identical shoe! (it'll be your fault if they get dirty tomorrow)
What are the chances? Are we long-lost relatives or something?!
If we were, I'd be old enough to be your mother !! Just going to try for the 3rd time to load this photo - it doesn't really matter now, but I can't understand why it won't work. Are you still doing your parkrun tomorrow?
Well, the aim was to do the parkrun before I turn 37, for some reason, so tomorrow's my chance, but I had a migraine yesterday and it hasn't completely gone, so I'm keeping everything crossed it has by the morning. Having said that, there's always next week... How about you?
I'm going to decide in the morning! But planning to. I have a very rough way of calculating distance and did actually run for 5.02k in 38.8 mins on Thurs. I also walked the parkrun route on Wed (my birthday) and its quite rough under foot - there are also 2 long uphills, one after 3k. But having said all that, it would be a memorable graduation wouldn't it. I've just been wrapping my barcode in a plastic cover. My son bought me an armband for my ipod and made me a fantastic running card for my birthday. (my husband bought me some music and various bits but I wasn't in the least bit interested in those - poor him!) This obsession is just that - obsessive! Fingers crossed for you for tomorrow - you'll know whether you're ready - you want your first one to be a happy experience don't you.
Buffy, I have also got one of those armbands for my birthday, for my iPhone. It's wrapped up on the mantelpiece. It's probably going to be all I'm interested in too! Hope you enjoy it if you go tomorrow. Let us know, and happy birthday for Wed x

They look great! Hope they work well for you

Glud, not interested in shoes! They must be defective!!
So, Gel Cumulus there (I know em all!) My Jog Leader wears em and really likes them. I liked the cushier Nimbus but the shop only had narrow ones so I had to get Nikes. Lots of the fast runners at Parkrun run in those. I always check out what shoes the fast cats are wearing, nosey beggar that I am. You'll be bound to fly in those beauties
Test driving them when exactly?
Buffy if you try and post a picture, you just glance down your posting area, look downwards and there's a prompt for you to add a picture from your computer. Give it another go
Ooh, I like them even more now. Test driving the minute they arrive... Hope they hurry up!

Ooh new shoes! Lovely!

You can double click on your photo and it will usually default and open it up in Microsoft Word or something like that and you can then compress it. There is a little Compress tick box and you check that box and then click on Web, so it shrinks it so it will uload here
Hurrah! All's well that ends well, and anything that ends with new running shoes, by definition, ends well. I really ought to invest in a new pair of road shoes, now I think of it. I have more pairs of trail shoes and OCR shoes and so on that Imelda Marcos (who was known for her OCR running) but on road am still wearing my ASICS GT2000 that I bought when I started C25k last April. A little tricky to justify to TPTB as I am still forbidden to set foot outside for another 2 week at least, but I could always hide them somewhere Mrs R and the Rignettes would not find them. The kitchen, for example.
Oddly, even though we have an ASICS factory outlet shop in Clarks village here, their prices are generally 40% higher than online.

G you have asics I have asics gel GT 2000 3 they are ace love them to bits

Forgive you for sharing? We'd never forgive you if you didn't! It's the law you must show pics of your new trainers! Those look very light and comfy, love the purpley bits too xxx

Lovely! Enjoy.

Of course hide them!! I bought new uns that looked uncannily like my old ones hoping that my old man won't notice. He's not very observant so fingers crossed

Don't you just love it - all this passion over a pair of shoes - you certainly came to the right place Gludwig - and look what you started - never seen so many pics of shoes!
Yeah, I feel better now and slightly less weird about all of my shoe worries...

Oooooh more lovely shoes ! Fab choice Glud, they look the business ! xxx

Lovely new shoes and delayed congratulations on your graduation!
Thanks. It's good news upon good news