Managed 37mins 4.75K of run walk to try to make my calf recover. It's taking too long to recover and I want it fixed yesterday. Let's see how it is tomorrow.
Treadmill Run Walk Recovery: Managed 37mins... - Couch to 5K
Treadmill Run Walk Recovery
Oh dear GF, that doesn't sound too good. Did the treadmill session make you feel any better?
Oh G, these injuries are the flippin' pits arent they ?
Hope its better for you tomorrow, I wish you well and a speedy recovery xxx
Thanks PP. How are you getting on with yours?
Still crocked but thank you for asking xxx
Ive been trawling on the internet trying to find out what it could be and driving myself completely nuts
Ive rested it and it hasnt made a scrap of difference, off to Physio next Monday xxx
That's not good PP. Hope you get an answer from the Physio
Aaaww poppy sorry to see your still sitting on the bench
So frustrating for you. Take care and hope physio gives some better news xxxx
Hope it's ok tomorrow GF. Must be awful when you want to get going again. Be worth taking your time though. Don't rush it. You'll be back to full fitness just in time for the spring hopefully.
Hope it has helped GF, these calves are a trial aren't they .My rungroup leader (who owns our local running shop too) suggested for mine to massage out the knot (which I think is my problem) as much as was bearable, it Really was sore but the next day it was miles better. Still stiff after running but a definite improvement, might be worth a try on yours?
fingers crossed for you GF
That Injury couch is a popular place at the moment, been there since Christmas and like you want it fixed yesterday. Hope you get off it soon but don't rush it and made things worse.
Major Bummer GF. HAve you inroduced your calf to Fanny Foam Roller? She can be a bit of a beeatch, but she did wonders for my calf a while back.....