A question really to the more seasoned of runners. As you get fitter do you recover quicker after a run? I don't mean the following day but the hours after a run. Say after a 5K run, does your body feel likes you' ve gone for a light stroll because you are fitter or do you still get all the aches and tiredness? At the moment I am not at work and can fit In the runs to suit me but when back at work in September just wondering whether I can stand up to the hammering of a run and doing a long day at work. I will run after work but often have work in the evenings post run. Just wondering whether I will be slumped over my laptop when I am required to be productive? 😳
Question re: post run recovery: A question... - Couch to 5K
Question re: post run recovery

I am not a seasoned runner but an enthusiastic walker and over the course of the summer I have gone from needing a recovery day to long walking days back to back. I am about half way through C25K and whilst I do not run consecutive days yet I can manage different activities on the so called rest days and fortunately the painful day after is a thing of the past. As I see it your body adapts in time and providing you "listen" to it I am confident coping with exercise becomes second nature. I would even go as far to say your body begins to crave the exercise. I feel at a bit of a loss if I don't do something and one of my offspring would go so far as to say they feel irritable if they don't get their run in.
Instead of being less productive, I think ultimately you can be more productive. Mood and energy are enhanced by being active. As good as this sounds though you won't get the gain without a degree of discomfort at the outset! For my age I have a reasonable level of fitness but only now, half way through the C25K programme, is it becoming a bit easier.
So, in short it will get better. Be mindful of how your body feels. Don't be reckless and over exercise - it is not a race.
Yes absolutely, and mroe to the point you will feel positively energised. I will be honest that I still have to will myself out of the door or under the weights or whatever, pretty much every run/workout, but as soon as I am warmed up and got my rhythm I ctually find myself more or less enjoying doing it, and cetrainly with anythng sub 1hr, I feel a reall energy boost afterwards that carries me through several hours.
With long runs and races etc, ot so much, but those are fewer and further between, and generally reserved for weekends etc.

Sounds like the long term benefits of running are worth it. I will look forward to getting that energy boost and to be able to run perhaps more effortlessly and enjoyably. At the moment I feel like I get that endorphin rush for a short while then I continue the day,creaking around and fighting the need to doze off. I can't see that being sustainable so hearing you say that is good news indeed.

Yes, I remember how much I hurt after the early runs, these days I get a bit of a sensation that I've done something, but nothing to complain about.