Knee niggle: Hi all, did W2r2 this morning and... - Couch to 5K

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Knee niggle

letsgoletsgo profile image
10 Replies

Hi all, did W2r2 this morning and had tiniest knee niggle under or below this evening I can barely put weight on it and I'm limping badly.

My question is does anyone know what this might be?..

And what could help resolve it? Ice, heat, rest, stretches?

Feels like my knee is all twisted up inside, but I've not been aware of anything happening to cause this.

Advice for complete novice please ;-(

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10 Replies
davelinks profile image

Remember RICE, rest, ice, compression , elevation, not stretching.. You get aches & pains when starting out, I had them a bit, my wife on w7 has had knee pain, a lot do, you can rub some movelat or voltarol cream on it, and it should go away in about a day or so. Make sure you have your rest days, extend it slightly if need be.. Well done! When your able, Keep going, but do watch your speed, make sure you only keep your pace just above walking speed, or injury can occur, so, slow & steady! good cushioning shoes help..😊

letsgoletsgo profile image
letsgoletsgoGraduate in reply to davelinks

Thanks for the advice, my speed is certainly a plod, and I won't be going anywhere fast with a knee like this.... mmm, 'tis a bit frustrating!

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to letsgoletsgo

Try not to be dissapointed, it happens, there's plenty of time to do the programme, take it easy!😊

sarah469 profile image

Firstly, don't be disheartened! I had ankle pain in week 4 personally, and I still get knee pain 8 months after graduation (gosh, has it been that long...), but it doesn't mean you need to stop or that it can't be remedied. I would definitely slow the pace down, make sure when you run your foot is landing underneath your body, not in front of you (don't over stride), and just try to keep it as light as possible, like you only want your feet to skim the ground as you run.

If you're anything like me you might overpronate (it's common). This means when you run your ankle rolls in as your foot lands rather than staying neutral. I had no idea until someone who saw my run told me this was happening. If the pain happens again and if you're able to it is worth either getting a gait analysis done in a running shop, or making an appointment with a physio. I think will either be your shoes not being supportive enough or a muscle imbalance eg. tightness in calves or weak glutes meaning your knees are taking on a lot of the work and impact. Or perhaps a combination of the two!

Well done for starting - just rest now until your knee feels better and then try again!

letsgoletsgo profile image
letsgoletsgoGraduate in reply to sarah469

Thank you too, some good suggestions, but honestly, it cannot be my speed ( I am slow) !!

DiamonteSandal profile image
DiamonteSandal in reply to sarah469

Exactly this - i had an old injury from last year and on starting running, I had the symptoms you describe. I had my gait analysed and I over pronate, causing the tendon to push up and across and into the knee (it was explained more scientifically than that but I can't remember it!). New shoes and the analysis was totally different. I had Bowen therapy to ease the pain and the new shoes have been ideal - nothing has recurred since. People had told me to get my gait analysed and they were absolutely right. If I'd done that in the first place I wouldn't have ended up with ten or so days of being barely able to walk let alone run!

letsgoletsgo profile image
letsgoletsgoGraduate in reply to DiamonteSandal

I think I will take your advice and get the gait analysis and definitely new shoes, I know they are old and probably don't work as well as they should. Feel like an old banger today.. conking out


letsgoletsgo profile image
letsgoletsgoGraduate in reply to DiamonteSandal

An update on the knee... and it's not good news so far, I am firmly back on the couch. 4th day off with limping and I can't put my weight on it at all, in fact crawling around the house is my preferred method of transport these days, and my 2 3/4 year old son doesn't get that I can't ''run mama, run'' around with him at the moment.

I've joked so many times about my mums bad knee, in our family it's called the "ministry of funny walks".. and yesterday I think I officially joined her club. I hobbled to the shop to get change for a car parking ticket, only to find on my return - I could see the dreaded car parking attendant in the distance noting down my car details hobbling speed increased to a painful shuffle, but it felt like I was still moving in slow motion as I called out STOOOOOPPPP!!! The attendant grinned as he said is that your car? and then just walked off.

Oh to be truly mobile again! On the optimistic side I have purchased new trainers and kit for when/ if I am fit again to walk and maybe one day run a bit.. I will be going back to Wk 1 again though I think and maybe doing a few weeks of walking beforehand to check we're all clear.

davelinks profile image

OK, as Sarah say's it could be down to shoes, but it happens to many as they start out, the body has to get used to running. If it keeps reoccurring then it seems to point toward shoes..😊

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

Definitely rest. I am not sure why your knee would feel as if it is all twisted up inside though. If you can find the time, I'd go and get it looked at.

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