Park Run Number 1 - Done: Ok, so this morning... - Couch to 5K

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Park Run Number 1 - Done

AdamB profile image
26 Replies

Ok, so this morning was the day - I couldn't, in all conscience, put this off much longer. I can't argue that it's too far for me to get to a run. The start point for my local parkrun is less than kilometre away, as the crow flies (there is a set of woods, a river and a ravine in the way, so it's a little further to go in practice, but I can still cycle there in 15 minutes). I couldn't argue that it was too wet, too cold or I had a hangover. I somewhat sheepishly sidled out of the house, grabbed the nearest bike from the shed and rode down to the start. Wow, what a lot of people there were. I was expecting about 20 people - not the numbers that turned up.

Anyway, I finished. I was aiming for 30 minutes, but achieved a 24:32, which I'm quite pleased about. It might have been faster if I hadn't slowed to check a text on my phone (imminently expecting important family news - this wasn't it, but I know my name would be mud for the next 10 years if I ignored it...). I also misjudged the finish. I thought we had further to go so didn't put a final sprint in until far too late. So, I was 111th overall out of 359, 1st in my age category and just inside the top 50 if you look at the age adjusted scores.

I may be dropping along again, some time. I don't think that's so bad for someone who "hates" running. The only downside of the time is that I can't now count today's run towards my Jantastic scores as I didn't manage 30 minutes of exercise...

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AdamB profile image
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26 Replies
Vixchile profile image

What a fab time!! Maybe you could count your cycling towards your exercise or is it just running not really sure how jantastic work.

Ullyrunner profile image
UllyrunnerGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Ha ha! Great minds ......

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner


AdamB profile image
AdamBGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Thanks. With Jantastic you specify how many runs or swims or bike rides you are going to do each week at the start of the month. As I hadn't specified cycling this month (I'm trying to get Jantastic to motivate me to do something other than cycle), I can't count any bike rides. It's not critical - I've got my runs in for this week already. It's just nice to be able to go over the top occasionally.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to AdamB

Sounds good. Yeah going over the top sometimes is good, good luck with the rest of jantastic.

Ullyrunner profile image

Wow - great time Adam, and first in your age group! I think you could count the cycling as well as the running towards your Jantastic tally.

AdamB profile image
AdamBGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

To be fair, their weren't that many of us in my age group, and two of them had better PBs than my run today. However, I was quite chuffed to see that I'd turned in a better time than some club runners and it was better than the PBs of a few "old hands" - runners who have 50+ and 100+ parkruns to their name. I was just relieved to find that I wasn't at the back of the event being followed by the broom wagon

Now, perhaps if I concentrate at some interval training...

pot58 profile image

A good run and chuffed you must be! Considering you're not keen on running you don't do too badly lol!!!

That's an amazing time, very well done. You'll have to go again now just to better that time :)

useitorloseit profile image

111th with that speed??!! That makes me even more nervous of ever attempting a park run!

AdamB profile image
AdamBGraduate in reply to useitorloseit

I wouldn't worry - there were over 350 runners so I finished in the top third. The whole thing felt amazingly inclusive. There were other first timers there putting in times of 50 minutes plus and I noticed one PB (so he'd obviously been here before) of 49:32. You just take it at your own pace. I knocked over 2 minutes of my previous PB simply by being swept along by other runners. The one thing I regret is not having gone a few weeks ago. I was nervous that I was going to let myself and others down. I now realise how foolish that thought was.

hilbean profile image

Brilliant time and congrats on coming 1st in your age category :)

poppypug profile image

Well done Adam ! Amazing time , blimey. I can only ever dream of that time , Fab stuff ! :-D xx

Congratulations and a brilliant time into the bargain. I am trying to psyche myself up to do my local park run, I have printed off the barcode and just need to get myself there!!

AdamB profile image
AdamBGraduate in reply to

If you are feeling up to it and it's a nice day - just go ahead. I'm sure you'll not regret it. The atmosphere was so non-judgemental, friendly and supportive. It didn't matter if it was your first time or your 100th.

in reply to AdamB

Thanks for the encouragement, I will try and visit the park and have a walk round first.

aliboo70 profile image

What a great result, you should be really pleased with that! :)

wow thats is really great time :D

catch profile image

I cycled to my local parkrun this morning as well, just to check it out this time not run, and came away motivated to go back in running gear next time! That was a brilliant time, not sure I'll be able to manage anything like that!

IannodaTruffe profile image

With age grading taken into account, I reckon you are the man from this forum setting the parkrun bar at the moment, Adam. Everything about parkrun is wonderful. This morning, my wife, who set a respectable time, was beaten home by a five year old, who has actually done more parkruns than her. She was delighted, as was I, to see so many youngsters running.

Congratulations on an excellent time.

Mummy-Jill profile image

Okay, you've convinced me. I'll print out my bar code (might even laminate it) and next Saturday I'm there!!

AdamB profile image
AdamBGraduate in reply to Mummy-Jill

Do it. You certainly won't regret it. For me, just running in the company of so many others instead of plodding around solo in the dark made such a difference. I can now actually see the point of this "running" thing (I started C25K to try and maintain some kind of fitness over the winter months). At Parkrun I ran faster than I ever intended to do (or realised I even could) just because it was fun and I was enjoying myself.

Wow brilliant time! And you hate running? Don't believe you!

poppypug profile image

Ive just seen your profile , youre 61 ?

Blimey, I am in complete awe, Well done ! That is amazing, seriously. You are an inspiration xxx

AdamB profile image

My passport says I'm 61. The family reckon I make up for it, though, by having the mental age of a 5 year old ;)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to AdamB

Ha ha , hey you look amazing, btw :-) xxx

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