For all my friends on this page who know I trained for a 5k so as I could do a RFL in support of my beautiful grand daughter who was diagnosed with cancer in January, well yesterday Jess had her last chemo and as far as we know all is well and normal service resumes asap !!! since running the RFL I have almost lost my mojo, the heat, a what comes next feeling, and so on. But today I knew the only way I could celebrate Jes wellness was to run, so I did, just under 5k. Mojo is back and so is our healthey Jess . Thanks everyone for your support,meant so much, you have no idea — feeling emotional.
Grannyjudes: For all my friends on this page who... - Couch to 5K

That's wonderful and a lovely photo of you both! Such an inspiration!

Lovely post, good luck to you both for the future, glad the mojo returning and keep on running.

Awww, what a great photo! Glad to hear things are going well for Jess!
Glad to hear your run went well too, GJ!
What comes next? Another race!

You have to keep your spirits up GJ! It's hard not to when you see how well your grand-daughter is looking
I think running is not just good for the body but helps you cast off the blues. So I think the answer to that GJ must be to keep on running
We're right with you there! Vrooooooooooooooooooooooom

That's so lovely xx

Re - loss of MOJO thing. I know where you are coming from!!! I really feel that I need a structured plan like C25K was to keep going. I picked what I thought was a good plan to get me out to 15K for my 14K funrun in August. It is a Galloway run/walk plan which has certainly got me out to 15 K ( will do my second/last 15K long run next week) before the actual funrun ) -- but I can't help but feel that run/walk interferes with my head somehow and perhaps non-stop running and run/walk are a little "incompatible". Anyway, I think that I will be glad when this "once in a lifetime -for me" Sydney City to Surf is over - so that I can get back to a structured plan.
I think I will start a 10K plan from the Asics website - with the goal of slowly building up to be able to run 10K non-stop. At the moment that goal seems as daunting as running 5K was many months ago and I also wonder why I would want to run 10K??? 5K is a good distance because it can be done with others at parkruns - which are all over the place. I am wondering just where will I run for 10K anyway? - most of the 10K funruns here are quite expensive to enter. I would also maybe like to do some trailrunning -- but that seems to be a young persons sport.
I think my basic problem is that my original goal was to be able to run only 1 KLM - and I have long surpassed that. But what realistic, practical goal can keep us going ?? - it is very easy to give it all away!!!!
I am struggling with this Bazza, I am so SLOW, I know I know, speed is not important but when its almost 1 minus speed it becomes so, especially as it doesnt seem to improve., and if Im that slow what chance a 10 k, and if I do manage a 10 k, well, if I do may join a running club, But yes structure is important to me, as is music
yes - well I am also slow - but I am old, have short legs and have never been able to run even when I was younger. I do wonder why some can - and some can't. We have a man in our parkrun who is about 5 years younger than me - he mentioned the other day that he will be moving into my age group soon so he must be around 64. He is no taller than me - hasn't been running for long and I suspect the only running he does is the weekly parkrun - but he FLIES compared to me. I simply would not be able to keep up with him -- my energy output to do so would be much greater than I use at "My" pace.
But, as I keep repeating, we just need to look back to where we have come from. I would love to join some sort of "recreational" running group - where people run just for the fun of it and NO WATCHES are allowed!!!!

How fantastic. Best wishes to you and the lovely Jess.

Such wonderful news GJ and a fab photo of your lovely daughter and granddaughter

You wonderful wonderful lady GrannyJudes. It's an honour to know you is all I can say.

Good news and great photo! Wishing you all the best!
What Tanya said, really.

Granny Judes, you are an amazing lady....
Great news about Jess, and what a lovely photo
Glad you got your mojo back and happy running to you xxx

Wonderful picture. Great news. Your mojo won't be far away, I can tell you. Your always so inspirational to everyone else, it's bounds to rub off back to yourself. Happy running.
So glad you have good news about Jess. Keep running, you had such a journey to get here you can't possibly waste or lose your new talent. What you need is a different is flippin' hot for running atm though....

That is so much good news good luck with your future runs
best wishes to Jess.
I am glad you are back running x

What a beautiful smile she has. Wishing her all the best ;),

Grannyjudes that is an awesome pic of you two! I'm glad you got your mojo back and Jes has a great smile on her face!

Grannyjudes that is an awesome pic of you two! I'm glad you got your mojo back and Jes has a great smile on her face!

What a beautiful photo, I'm sure you must all be very relieved that the course of chemo has now finished. Best wishes to you and your family, good to hear you've found your mojo. Happy running.

Great picture of jess and her proud mum and great news. I didn't know what had motivated you to start running, but can now understand where your passion and determination come from and I'm sure it will be back to spur you on. You have come so far and have inspired many along the way. Keep running and you'll soon find your next goal to aim for.

Thank you everyone, I did intend answering to everone individually, but what with the C25K page, my normal fb page and friends, well I would never run would I ? But I do appreciate each and everyone of you taking the time to support me, and never fear I dont intend quitting running even tho Im the original sedated slug !!

Wonderful news. Beautiful photo. So pleased for you all.

What a great pic, and with all the crap that's going on in the world, it's great to hear good news.
What a wonderful way to celebrate with a run! I will keep Jess in my prayers for continuing healing.
Beautiful photo and a lovely story... I'll be thinking of all of you on Saturday as I plod out 10000m...
As for "what next" for anyone here? Whatever you feel like doing! Amazing what a run can do for you in so many different ways...

Great news about Jess - hope the good news continues to roll..
You are inspirational to us and I expect you are to Jess too.