I thought I'd try taking the pooch with me this morning, so off we went at 5.30 and it was fine until he first saw a cat and then spotted a Muntjac deer on the path that runs beside the Rec and it was all downhill from there. The deer bounded away and I managed to hold him back until it was out of sight, but then he was hot on the scent trail, taking me with him. That was fine for the 5 minute warm up walk (new record for speed walking!) and I kept him on track until we hit the field and the morning smells distracted him. I managed a 15 minute run before I gave up and let him sniff to his hearts content. I think on Wednesday I'll leave him on the sofa.
Running with dogs: I thought I'd try taking the... - Couch to 5K
Running with dogs

Yes,best to leave the dog at home while doing c25k so you can concentrate properly on the programme, maybe train him or her to run constantly with you after, I see some at Parkrun who run well with their owners..
I'm just starting week 2, our Labrador ran with me the first week but I'm thinking as the weeks progress I many be better leaving her at home. I can see me needing to run when she decides to poo...

There's an art to scooping the poop whilst still moving, including running around in circles as you get the bag out and around your hand.
I've never run *without* my dog. But the hands free lead does help if it is somewhere she needs to be on the lead.
I really should learn how to do that. My dog has been running beautifully along side me so I've no worries from that side of things it's just the poop issues.
I run with an over the shoulder bag which is her treat bag and which I also put my phone and keys in these days. I have a Dicky Bag which clips to it (or could clip to a waist belt) so I am not running along swinging a bag of brown-ness.

I took our Old Dog with us when I first started C25K a few years ago. He is no longer with us; Small Dog apparently doesn't like running more than 5 minutes at a time, Lively Pup (14 months old) is a great running partner. It takes them a while to get used to going constantly, not stopping and sniffing, but I definitely like running with dogs. (And not just because Lively Pup gives me a much needed boost at times!)
To my astonishment, Lively seems to understand that when she's on the lead and I'm running, she has to just keep going nicely and not get distracted by nice sniffs; when she's let off the lead it's a different matter altogether, and she's here, there and everywhere. I still have days when I don't want to take here, as I don't want anything getting in my way, but actually I'm always glad that I give in to her pitiful face and Mr R's 'encouragement'...

I dont know how people manage to run with their dogs, it always sounds like a drama!! Well done!!

I always run with my spaniel, she followed C25K and graduated with me. For normal walks, I use a collar and lead and allow her to sniff and behave like a normal dog, when running she wears a harness and has to keep focused on me. It didn't take long to teach her "this is my time".

Very funny! I have wondered, and hoped, to take my Lissy with me at some point. Will definitely have to be somewhere off the lead, when I am more confident with the actual running. But, definitely......... One day soon!

I've run with my sister's springer spaniel off lead. On the first run we all went out together, my sister walked while I ran. The poor dog couldn't decide what to do and spent the first 10 minutes running between us, leaping up at me to try to get me to go back, before she decided to stay with me. The second run I was on my own and she'd already worked it out. As it was off lead she ran ahead, waiting at every junction/potential change of route until I'd indicated which way to go. She was brilliant, very attentive, very obedient and got her poos out of the way while she was still on the lead walking to our running destination. We both loved it. She had done a bit of running with my niece beforehand, so I think she knew the general principles! It was definitely a lovely experience, which I would like to repeat. 😎
Henry Hooch Pooch has done every step with me right through to graduation and every parkrun. He did the Race For Life too. He gets a bit excited at a group start, but soon settles and trots along beautifully. I have him on a halti headcollar and on an elasticated lead clipped to my waist (designed for purpose). He has learned voice commands such as "left", "walk on", "steady" etc. I love having him as a companion, I started with him because I felt safer going out in the morning with him and also I enjoy talking to him, which passes the time! He does stop for the toilet but it's not the end of the world. I also got the equivalent of a Dicky bag (a Tommee Tippee baby bottle holder at half the price) which clips to my waist or to his lead and definitely saves having to carry a swinging bag!