Just what I knee'd... : Well, after a pretty... - Couch to 5K

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Just what I knee'd...

9 Replies

Well, after a pretty good run yesterday and no pain at all I thought I was doing well. Unfortunately about 6 hours post-run (while sitting around enjoying a BBQ and some beers) I decided I needed to get up and do something... this "something" involved climbing some stairs... Well, let me tell you, that HURT! A lot...

Not sure what I've done and it's better today but I can't do stairs without holding the arm rails... it's the muscles at the back of my leg behind the knee that hurt... Walking is okay (ish) but stairs are just unbearable right now... This Tubigrip stuff is amazing though (just ordered some more).

I don't think anything is "broken and popped" but it's really weird how it came on so long after the run. I get the delayed muscle soreness thing, but this is a weird one...

Oh well - time for RICE... sigh...

I can walk on it so I might take the kids for a walk to the park later to keep the muscles moving... I am out of the country this week so can't get to the GP but I think if this comes back I'll need to...

The sun is shining and I can still walk so all good... I'll be back soon enough! I'm not sure that'll be Tuesday though.. :)

9 Replies
rr76 profile image

Ouch - poor you! Tubigrip is fantastic stuff though. I think it's sensible to see your GP if things persist. Rest up, take it easy and get well soon.

AncientMum profile image

Ah another candidate for Tubigrip Therapy. It surely is fantastic stuff. Think I aught to get shares in the company. :) Boots own brand is good too and cheaper :) Hope it's not long before you're back to normal

in reply to AncientMum

Thanks - I'll check out the Boots brand too! Cheers... I think this will pass - just need to go easy on it as clearly it doesn't like the 6K distance yet... how I'm going to convince it to do 10K in 5 weeks is beyond me - but hey-ho! It doesn't hurt while I run! :)

Laurae profile image

Get the ice on it too it really does work wonders and a couple of extra days rest. Check with the docs is always wise but listen to your body. Hopefully it will just be your muscles having a wee protest at having to do more and they will step down and behave again soon.

paul2014 profile image

Oh no! Hopefully it will settle down itself but it doesn't sound nice at all. Hope it heals soon.

Been out walking on it today and although it's still very sore, that Tubigrip is holding it all in nicely... Can't run on it yet (my 6 year old said my left leg looks funny if I jog on it!) but at least I've got the movement in it which bodes well for it being a strain rather than anything "torn/broken"....

Need some ice for my G&T so may as well use some of that on it today... :)

Happy running folks... I'll be getting up off the couch soon enough!!! No holding me back!

Miles_Yonder profile image

:-( Rotten news, Aussie. :-( Hope you're feeling better soon. Bloody injuries!

getfitgran profile image

Very unfortunate, hope you recover soon.

Tubigrip is great (thanks AM!) - I've actually managed the stairs today a few times... taking it easy but moving around is keeping things relatively pain-free... I'm happy enough with another few days rest though as I think given the fact it's slowly getting better that I haven't done myself a serious mischief and that it is most likely an over-use injury to (what I suspect is) a hamstring (muscles at the back of the knee are the culprits) ... I do have to remember I'm not 22 any more I suppose!

I think I will also go and do a proper gait analysis (there's a Sweatshop a few miles away) at some point soon too... I have decent shoes and insoles, but it would be nice to see if they are actually contributing to some of the issues with my knee (and I should practice what I preach :) )

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