Forced to QUIT! I think! ;(: Hey all I am due to... - Couch to 5K

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Forced to QUIT! I think! ;(

Abergrad profile image
19 Replies

Hey all I am due to do week 9 run 2 today. I'm so close but I'm suffering slight ankle pain. Outer part of ankle sore and tendons (I think) are really tight at back in ankle after last run, better today but felt like they could snap! I feel better today and truly want to run and sat was going to be my grad run at my second park run! It's been sore for about 2 days after runs recently, just a little twinge when walking not actually sore as such.

The thing the end of this month I head to Spain for an almost 800km camino walk so I guess I can't afford to get injured. All my friends say no, don't do the runs as it's too big a risk. I'm just sad as I've tried similar apps twice before and stopped due to injuries much earlier on but then I wasn't strictly sticking to the programme.

I'm almost 33 and generally fit and starva said I was going 5km at 31.5mins which was a pace I was comfortable with. I guess I'll just have to be sensible and stop. Can restart in oct or Nov. I'm just a bit sad about it, it's been a tough year and this was a goal for me :( I started running with someone else that lives in another city and we encourage using strava so he will complete when I should have, happy for him but well, you know :(

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19 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

You are young and fit, so there is no reason why you have to quit running, so long as you can get to the root of the problem. Running teaches us a lot about how our bodies work.

Are your shoes fitted after a gait analysis? They could be at fault.

If this is a recurring problem then you are better off getting professional advice. Rest, obviously, but get checked out by a physio. This may be overuse but it might be able to be corrected by very simple exercises, so don't despair.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

Wise words from our mentor.dont despair you will do all you want to. We are with you all the way

Abergrad profile image
Abergrad in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thanks, I did get my shoes from a good running shop but I think that could be something to look into as it was quite a while ago.

I've seen a physio before for knee pain but I wasn't in pain then as had waited 50 weeks on NHS to see one so felt a bit pointless so a sports physio privately would be an idea. I do warm up and cool down but should find more stretches specifically for ankle!

I didn't really mean quit permanently but think I'll need to start from beginning again after my walk.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Abergrad

You say you got them from a good running shop, but did you have a gait analysis?

Most shops will video you running on a dreadmill so that your precise footfall can be viewed in detail and if necessary, appropriate support shoes can be recommended. It is worthwhile.

Abergrad profile image
Abergrad in reply to IannodaTruffe

Unfortunately no dreadmill was used, think they use that in their larger store only or used to. They watched me walking only. Shoes feel comfy but yeh it could be them. They cost me over a hundred so not really willing to buy another pair right now as unemployed at the moment but will see!

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Abergrad

It might sound a bit cheeky, but you could find who does a complete video gait analysis and take your shoes there to try on their machines. If they say your shoes look fine you then know. if they say your shoes are inappropriate then I would take them back to the original shop and give them some stick and ask for a refund, then go back to shop number two.

It doesn't matter how much they cost, if they are wrong for you. Gait analysis is only as good as the individual who is carrying it out and that comes down to training and experience.

Abergrad profile image
Abergrad in reply to IannodaTruffe

Hi that's an idea except I bought them over 2 years ago (not used much) tho that could also be a problem. I wasn't saying just cause they cost over a hundred they should work, it's more that I'm not prepared to spend that sort of money on another pair of shoes at the moment as I'm not gonna use them much but maybe after my walk if I don't spend loads I might 👍🏻

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Abergrad

Two years would be a bit of a push regarding refund, but the first part of the plan could still work, as a process of elimination.

Good luck

Not quit. Just take a break. Agree about the physio. They will be able to tell you why, what exercises will help prevent it and advise on how much running is safe for now.

davelinks profile image

Are you gently stretching the Achilles & calves when warmed up and after running? also from what you say you are running at very good pace on the programme, try slowing down a tad... no quitters here! Postponement maybe..😊

Abergrad profile image
Abergrad in reply to davelinks

I feel like I'm gonna have to start at week 1 again as won't be able to run till November probably :( I had not considered pace might be too much for my body, guess I was just going at that pace as commentator says to go faster if not out of breath but that is something to consider! When I do again might need to do the shorter runs (20mins) more times before moving on to get body used to it.

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to Abergrad

Yes, run faster but there is a limit when the bodies not used to running, it's a bit more strenuous on the legs than swimming! That's probably why your getting more problems with ankle. I also have niggling problem with ankle through ricking it a lot in the past and a niggling knee but am still able to run, never seen a sports physio! You need to do one thing at a time, concentrate on c25k and follow it properly as instructed and not to modify it to your requirements.

But first concentrate on the 500 mile walk, that'll be interesting walking through Spain! Good luck and enjoy!😊

Rignold profile image

you could alternatively be sensible and slow down. You may be cofortable with 5k in 31.5mins but your tendons may not be.

Your friends who advise you to stop: are they medical professionals or experienced runners, out of interest?

Abergrad profile image
Abergrad in reply to Rignold

I never considered that my body might not be able to cope. I thought since I wasn't out of breath much it was ok to go faster, I actually feel I'm more out of breath if I go slower. I'm one of these people who beaths every 6th or 8th stroke when swimming as every 3rd makes me get a stitch! But I realise it's maybe too much for my body running too fast but it doesn't feel fast to me.

No they are not med professionals! But they know if I injure myself before my walk they won't hear the end of it as I'll be annoyed so they were trying to encourage me to stop running before the walk.

Dpsl profile image

I'd suggest getting the advice of a sports physio sooner rather than later. A physio will do more than just have an opinion and will advise as to whether you only need to rest or may give you a treatment and say, 'Go for a run tomorrow', as mine did. If nothing else, your mind will be put at rest that you're doing the right thing. And if the advice is to take it easy so you can do your walk, the programme – and we – will be here when you come back.

Oldfloss profile image

Rest up and take IannodaTruffe 's advice...seeing a Sports Physio may be the answer... I can honestly say that the treatment and the exercises mine gave me, have really been worthwhile !

Are you warming up well and stretching properly after the runs? I have really upped my game on those levels and can feel a difference, even though I was very conscientious about doing things properly really ( and I am no expert) sounds like tension.. ? Lots of info online, but better to get an expert opinion? Get it sorted before your walk >)

Abergrad profile image
Abergrad in reply to Oldfloss

Yeh I think I need to improve my stretching. I have always had a dodgy ankle that tends to collapse whenever I walk for more than a few hours in the hills. I go over on it but it's not sore so I think it's generally weak. My physio focused on my knee but I think a sports one would be better.

Lbjbv profile image

Feel for you. I'm having the same problem at the moment. Was at W5R2 when, at a keep fit class, I felt my archillis start to hurt. Stupidly I carried on for the rest of the class and then struggled to walk afterwards. 3 weeks later I'm still experiencing tightening when I run - managed the 5 min walk and 3 min run before I felt the pain down my ankle. Haven't found running easy and I know that I'm going to have to go back several weeks when I eventually start again. In the meantime it's stretching exercises and new running shoes. I'm determined not to quit though.

Abergrad profile image
Abergrad in reply to Lbjbv

Hope it gets better soon but don't rush it!

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