I graduated on the 11th Feb, and then planned on consolidating for a few weeks to feel good about how far I had come, so did 35mins on the 14th, 38 mins on the 18th, 25 mins on the 21st, and about 25 on the 23rd all good. Then on the 26th went on a very gentle run and my calf felt slightly tight for about 1 min and then went bam and hurt so I stopped. I had done about 1k including the 5 min warm up walk and had to get my husband to come and pick me up. So did lots of RICE over the next few days and after about a week could walk without limping again. I have tried a couple of gentle walks, up inclines as well and otherwise have been resting or dong some gentle pilates (not until the second week though). I went for a walk on Tuesday in my running gear thinking if it felt Ok I would jog slightly, and I always do plenty of stretches before and a 5 min walk at the start of the run but my calf felt weird so I didn't really jog at all, just had a 30 min walk. So now it is nearly 3 weeks afterwards I am going to try to do the same today.
Sorry about the rambling, but I am scared that it is going to happen again and that I have lost all my fitness after the 3 weeks rest and that after all my hard work I will be back to the couch!
Any other tips for what to do next and how to avoid injury again, and some of what you lovely people out here do best and some encouragement to not just go "well, that means I can't run so why was I trying you silly mare" would be invaluable please