Made myself get up early this morning to start this programme. I've been thinking about it now since last September so thought I just needed to get on and try it! I'm doing it for mental health reasons rather than to lose weight. I'm dealing with a nasty relationship break-up, and I'm constantly tired and lethargic. Time to do something about it and get back on my feet - literally! I really felt proud of myself, but did find it quite hard, especially felt it in my hip joint for some reason. I made sure I did the warm down stretches when I got back. I think I might be sticking at week one for a little while until I feel confident enough to move on. I am in awe of all you guys that have made it through! !
Week one run one...tick :-) I did it! - Couch to 5K
Week one run one...tick :-) I did it!

a very big well done and i can assure you its worth the effort.the feeling wheouve finished each run is so uplifting keep going and keep ppsting and people on here will help and support you all we can and welome tp running

I only decided to take up running because a) I wanted to get fit b) lose a few pounds c) feeling sluggish and fed up with a sedentary lifestyle.... but the effects of running have surpassed my expectations. I feel positive and I have heaps more energy! Running will help I am sure.
Best of luck xxx

Hi Kathyjg- A big welcome and well done from another newbie ! You should be really proud of yourself , it is hard but the sense of achievement you get when you have completed the run is amazing. Keep going and let us know how youre doing

Well done Kathyjg on starting the programme. I agree with kickibro, there are loads of benefits to running, far more than I ever expected. You'll also find this forum a massive source of support, encouragement and advice, so keep in touch. All the best!
Hi Kathyjg, I'm new to running too. I'm on week 2 now and I'm so surprised as to how much I enjoy it. In fact I feel a little pang of disappointment when I wake up and realise it's a day when I'm not running, and coming from someone who has always hated exercise that really is something! Keep up the good work

Hey, well done for starting, this is the best mood lift and stress/anxiety buster that I have found in a long time I have really noticed a positive shift in myself since starting this so keep at it and good luck. I am waiting to start week three, want to run tonight but my knees have been playing up between runs so I am making myself wait until tomorrow as I don't want to hurt myself and have to stop. I found week one really tough but week two easier, a colleague was a week ahead of me and said this to me but I didn't believe her until I experienced it for myself! Good luck and really hope it gives you the buzz its been giving me

Well done! I started yesterday, and did my Wk1Run1 with a girlfriend.
It was tough, running solidly for a minute! I thought this was for unfit people haha!!
But.......I felt so good when I'd finished, and can't wait for day two tomorrow!
Good on uou for finally getting out there! Repeat runs as needed!
Well done for completing the run! I recently started on Monday and I thought about taking part since last summer and only started last Monday! I also wanted to deal with the break up I had recently. When I run I feel all that negative energy is coming out and my body is getting fitter. At the end, I enjoy the rewards I get after I run, such as the 5 minute walk music I love and the food and water tasting better! Keep it up it gets better

Well done on starting the plan, it doesn't matter how many repeats you do, it's all about running and you'll get there in the end... Good Luck with it hun
Oh my! Thank you so much for everyone's kind responses. It really means so much to me. I'll keep posting how it's going. It's really encouraging to hear that everyone has got so much out of the programme.
The programme is wonderful but is just surpassed by the warmth of this community. You have come to the right place. Someone once said on this forum that running was a gift to oneself and I think this is absolutely true. Be kind to yourself also and think of the programme as time to yourself, something you are doing for yourself, and so on. As you complete each session (and do as many repeats as you need to gain confidence) you will feel a little boost in self esteem, you will feel good about yourself and more motivated. This has knock on effects into other areas of your life and, bit by bit, things will improve all round. Well done for having the guts to take that first step and completing your first session. Good luck with the next run and do let us all know how it went so we can cheer you on. With my very best wishes.

Thank you so much