The Juicyju Research project: Hello delicious... - Couch to 5K

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The Juicyju Research project

ju-ju- profile image
70 Replies

Hello delicious lovely running peoples...

I am doing some research....


I have posted this on my Linkedin network and so far responses are around:

*Beating personal goals

*Pushing the body and mind to its limits

*Personal challenge

I would love to hear YOUR thoughts on this question too as I want to test my theory, and I will share my research findings once I have completed it. For all you lovers of numbers and spreadsheets out there ( I know who you all are!!!!), this is purely qualitative!

Juicyju is panthering up for her long run today, I am sooo nervous ( I always get like this) and SOOO hungover ( went for a rare meal out last night). Also stressing about clothing, however I have my beautiful new Howies capris which are so comfy I don't need knickers!!

On that note, 'Au Revoir' and happy panthering



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ju-ju- profile image
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70 Replies
notbad profile image

Good one, I'd say all of the above and also (not sure how to express it in English) for "Joie de vivre"... reconnecting with my inner big kid.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to notbad

I so get that too...thats how I feel!

Realfoodieclub profile image

You know I have sat here thinking about this and I could say the obvious answers but I am not sure that's the truth anymore with me. I run now for different reasons than when I started. At the beginning it was weight control, conquering something and getting fit. I also know that after the triathlon I will continue to run because I have had to cut my runs from 3 to 2 a week and I hate it. I think I have to say I run because it is now part of who I am. I might not be the most accomplished runner but I identify with everything about running. I have always been known as a cook and I love that, I am now becoming to be known as a runner and I love that too. So therefore I run because it's an extension of my personality. Sorry for the long winded answer and sorry, not sure how you fit it Into a spread sheet, but it's made me think, thank you for that. Happy panthering.

in reply to Realfoodieclub

You've expressed exactly how it is for me too. I started c25k for weight loss. The benefits to my health have been enormous, both at a physical and mental level. But I also agree that running has given me so much joy it's difficult to quantify :-)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

RFC that is such a beautiful summing up and describes so well how it can change our lives, and become who we are......It would be so good to have a C25K book that describes the journeys as inspiration for others....No spreadsheets, its finding themes...which I'm finding fascinating given what everyone is saying...

Oldgirl profile image

Love it and you JuJu. To answer your question, I can't do it with one though but here goes:-

1) To improve my health which was rubbish due to sitting at a computer for 8 hours a day and being overweight.

2) A challenge, I had never run before and thought it would be a good idea!!!

3) To avoid heart surgery, it seems I proved the docs wrong by running

4) I was old enough and wasn't going to age any more for a good few years, it worked too :)

Happy panthering and good luck with your run. :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Oldgirl

You are a legend Oldgirl and your grit and determination shines through so much in what you say.............. :)


For me it wasn't specifically the 'run' part of that question but I had one of those mid-life moments when I knew I needed to do something and, having been talking to a runner about their running for months, I drifted into this rather than anything else.

I do it for:-

* My health - both physical and mental - having never done any exercise of note since school days. Physical is much better than I was - mental still a bit of a rollercoaster.

* A sense of freedom - just to get out there and do something after feeling dead inside for years.

Good luck with your commando panthering - bet that gives you a sense of 'freedom' too (!)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to

I so get that about the freedom thing...and yes the commando running certainly helps that!!!

Question: What it is that makes us run?

Answer: "Can I run?".

Question: Why we do it?

Answer: "Can I do it?"

Question: What drives us to improve?

Answer: "How do I improve?"

Not the answers I think you wanted/were looking for but they are honest.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to

Love it...!!!!! That sums up nicely where you are, and how you perceive it....come back to that comment in a few may change :)

in reply to ju-ju-

But there again it may not - don't think I'm destined to run at all but thank you for the kind thought.

mustgetthin profile image
mustgetthinGraduate in reply to

I'm in with this. Plus for weight loss!

IannodaTruffe profile image

RFC sums up my position on running, perfectly. I started to try to defeat what seemed like an inevitable decline in fitness as I got older. I discovered that I love the physicality of movement and am in awe of the fact that I can actually do it, which brings a smile to my face on just about every run. Curiosity about whether I could run just a bit further and also just a bit faster has led me to keep pushing, but have to admit that having run 10 miles, I reappraised my aims and decided that I don't want to run any further than that, and that I am not interested in running in competition with other people in organised events (apart from Parkrun). Nothing makes me feel more alive than being out in the countryside, with mud splashed up my legs, watching the progress of spring in my surroundings and feeling part of it all. Running has become part of me.

Keep running, keep smiling.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

I totally get that, and Parkrun is great, but some organised runs are so scary!!!!!

Azores profile image

I started just six weeks ago; for me it was getting to be 64 and a half. 64 sounds bad but 65 sounds a whole lot worse but then a 65 year old runner sounds reasonably cool. I am also doing an MA for the same kind of reasons. Seriously, anything that provides a chance of slowing down the ageing process must be worth a shot. What could be more encouraging than getting better at something?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Azores

brilliant, thankyou, and good luck with the programme and the MA!!

ChrisL profile image

Why run? Do you mean apart from the possibility of meeting an attractive, fit, blonde woman who doesn't wear any knickers...? I'd have to think about that.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to ChrisL

love need to join a parkrun which will definately sort that out!!!!!!

ChrisL profile image
ChrisLGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

Really???? I had no idea. I really am so naive sometimes. I thought people just went for the running.

MrsMozzer profile image
MrsMozzerGraduate in reply to ChrisL

It's surprising how many of us go commando ha ha!!

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to ChrisL

Hahahaha!! Hilarious!

Rob_and_his_westie profile image

1. The anticipation. The excitement of tying my laces. They possibility of a best ever run.

2. The challenge. There was a time when I could never have done this. Now I am this. This is who I am now.

3. The joy. When I finish a run I am euphoric. The best 'high' I ever had.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Rob_and_his_westie

brilliant, thankyou, I so get that too!!

Run_Rob profile image

For me the initial intention was to improve overall fitness, and to challenge myself to do something new.

I really think that the older end of us on here need something active to keep our brains ticking over and also to prove that we have still got what it takes.

Also, like Chris, you never know who you might meet when your out running, especially in her new Capri pants!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Run_Rob

Love it...and again, you need to join a parkrun and get panthering!!!!

Beads profile image

Ok, the simple answer is 'I run so I can eat'.

The less simple answer......

I've always been overweight, finally I found a diet that worked (known as 'use a proper set of scales and portion control') and shed a whole load of weight. Then it plateaued so I had to up my exercise, that was the start of c25k. Since then I've reached goal weight but still track exercise and calories and eat back all the calories I burn through exercise, so running is a means of earning more food without putting on all the weight I lost.

Why do I keep running? I LIKE the fact that I'm now fit, I can run 5k in a relatively fast time, I can run up hills (more slowly though), I can cycle (faster than I used to, presumably for longer, but haven't been out for longer recently) and can get up nasty hills I used to have to push my bike up, I can walk the dog easily, to the point where he gets tired before me, and most of all I really really like my size 8 skinny black jeans (even better than my sexy size 12 jeans which I was surprised I had shrunk into and then pissed off because I had shrunk way out of them)!

What drives me to improve? Hmmmmm, I appear to have a competitive streak that has been dormant all my life. Doing parkrun, if there's someone in front and I can push on past then I have to. Getting that text from parkrun which says you got a new PB, that's such a bonus, everyone gets to hear about that. Being first in my age category, that's broadcast far and wide.

So what's next? I've done 5k in under 24 minutes (I thought my old PB of 24:09 was as good as it was going to get), done 10k in under an hour, 15k in under 90 minutes, my longest run is so far 18k, so presumably I should be signing up for the HM in June. Let me recover from my first triathlon this morning and I'll sign up later this week! :D

Happy runnings!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Beads

Thats a wonderful story, and really inspiring too ( love the sexy size 8's- thats such a bonus isn't it?!!!). Only recently I bought my first ever size 8 ( a short dress) and just getting it on made me feel amazing.....Now come on, sign up for that know you want to.... :)

Beads profile image
BeadsGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

I do want to, I do, the thing holding me back at the moment is we're booked for giving blood sometime in May/June, don't want to sign up then find out it's the day after! I need to check, then I will (most likely, even if...)

Anyhow I took the dog for a walk and came up with some more answers for you, not about starting or improving but why we continue.

1) It's addictive (I'm sure about it), not sure what we're addicted to though, the adrenalin, the endorphins, the achey knees? See Aftab's one year report where he didn't run during Ramadan and got itchy feet as he put it, that's withdrawal symptoms.

2) It's a great stress reliever, if I'm anxious, stressed, angry, had an argument, need an argument I go for a run (except this last week with 'tapering', I took the poor dog for a route march instead, most of it on the lead coz he wouldn't keep up), my brain ticks over while I'm running and sorts the problem while the adrenalin or endorphins or whatever soothe my mood.

3) I know there was a 3), I never said running improved your memory.

4) just thought of right now, not the 3) I can't remember; from posts on here a lot of people lead very busy lives, be it work or family or both. Having the running time is time spent for them by them, and if they can manage it nothing comes in the way of it, so then it must be classed as a 'luxury', and in our busy lives we all need a bit of luxury and 'me time'.

Beads profile image
BeadsGraduate in reply to Beads

Got it! Dan's post below reminded me.....

3) I walked up a hill (the dog route took me down a hill, up the other side, down the other side and back up again (2 valleys next to each other)), got to the top before realising I had actually just walked up the hill, no out of breath, no tiredness, just totally in my stride. That kind of fitness is why I run.

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to Beads

I totally 110% agree with 4). Taking time out to do something just for my own sake is definitely a wonderful luxury. It's a gift we give ourselves.

helcl profile image

I want to stay alive for as long as I can, and I want to be mobile while I'm alive

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to helcl

well said!!

danzargo profile image

Hi Juju

I was working on a job last year and had a flight of stairs up to my room. Every single time I climbed these stairs I was completely out of breath. It got me thinking of my poor late Dad who died of a lung illness (not cancer) and the memory of watching him struggle to walk ten paces all breathless and exhausted gave me a jolt. My health needed some work. I was sitting ALL day, pressing food into my mouth for most of it, drinking large quantities of wine every single evening and generally expanding. One day my assistant asked me "Dan, have you ever heard of C25K?"

I always said that because of my job, the long hours, the mammoth responsibility etc that I had no time for exercise. C25K has saved me because I decided to put myself first, instead of these awful people I have to deal with in the film industry (they're not ALL bad actually). I started to achieve goals - ok, they were small goals, like running non stop for 60 seconds, but a goal nonetheless. Because I achieved these tiny goals, slightly bigger ones became a challenge and lets face it, who doesn't love a challenge?

I now see myself as a runner and I can honestly say that I walk taller because of it. The 2012 Olympics helped my interest develop into a love for getting out there and doing it. I can feel the blood flowing easier through my veins. I can hear my heart saying "Thanks mate. I was getting a bit worried, what with you being middle aged and everything!" I get to wear wacky, loud clothes without any embarrassment. I've got a bloody pink foam roller for gawwwds sake! Also another big plus - is YOU lot! You encourage me so much and if I hadn't started running, we wouldn't have met!

So yes, running is now part of who I am. It makes me feel alive.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to danzargo

Dan, thats really lovely, and you describe so well your journey ( as it were!!!). It really is life changing isn't it?? Thanks for sharing.... :)

ju-ju- profile image

Thats an awful lot of loss to come to terms with...I cannot imagine ever getting up again after all that....You are amazing , thankyou so much for sharing :)

runningnearbeirut profile image

Why did I start running? Because last year I had a routine medical coming up with a form to fill in which has a question "how much exercise do you do in a week?" On my previous medical 4 years earlier, I'd said that I went up and down a lot of stairs in a day (and I mean a LOT), but apparently this isn't deemed to count as "proper" exercise, so I wanted to be able to write something that wouldn't result in being told off.

Why do I keep running? My energy levels are so much better now that I'm not just vegetating (between going up and down stairs). I love the freedom of just being able to go out and run. It's a special treat to drive down and run by the sea early on a Saturday morning - looking forward to this helps to get me through to the end of a tough week. I love being able to declutter my mind - mainly subconsciously - while I run.

What drives us to improve? I have to admit that after completing a bridge to 10k programme, I've drifted a bit. I don't think my 5km time is anywhere near where it was. I think I need goals. I'll be in the UK for 3 weeks in July and have found parkruns near where I'll be on 2 Saturdays (I'll be travelling round a bit), so I'm thinking that I'll want to get my 5k time down a bit and try to get somewhere close to the time I managed in my only previous one last year. Maybe I'm a bit competitive...

Good thing you're NOT going to try to put this into a spreadsheet!

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to runningnearbeirut

Hi RNB if any of your runs you have scheduled in July are in Scotland remember that their starting time is 9.30 not 9.00am.

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to Oldgirl

Thanks for the warning, that's handy to know! I'm not going to be making it north of the border this year.

The only time I've ever been to Scotland I had a week of perfect blue skies and low 20s temperatures. I'm savouring the memory and hesitant to return and risk having such perfection shattered - but there are places that I would like to visit, so maybe one day...

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to runningnearbeirut

OK, I've thought of a way to summarise the first part of this:

I started running because I thought I ought to, I'm still running because I want to.

Oldgirl profile image

Ooohhh KittyKat007 I'm sending you a big virtual hug (@) you deserve it after what you have been through. But you're a fighter and you are amazing, bless you and good luck with your running. x

Why did I start running?

I was shamed into it by the Olympians and Paralympians of 2012 because I have strong legs, healthy lungs and heart and was doing nothing with them! I kept thinking that just because I'm slim, it doesn't mean I'm healthy, and I worried about family history of physical illness. I also loved exercise in my primary and secondary school years and had completely given it up.

Why do I keep running?

I love the self-confidence boost I get from reaching and surpassing goals; I love how strong I feel and it makes me feel like one of those women in the Sure deodorant adverts who are all fit and tough (even if my stomach is more like a balloon than a wash board!).

I love the "me" time and being outdoors.

I really love how much running de-stresses me. I find it about 1000 times more relaxing than a full body massage, it feels like I can physically feel the stress leaving my body, which in turn helps me perform better in work (I work with people with mental health difficulties and it is all too easy to take home, and be profoundly affected by people's harrowing stories) - running helps me keep my mind balanced and prevents burn out.

Lastly, I love that even when I have fallen out of love with running (see my last post) and cannot run more than 1km, I can go out a few days later and run a 10k. The human body is amazing and we don't use the half of it!

Fitfor60 profile image

Q Why did I start running

A I was ashamed ! Last May my 2 1/2yr old grandson ran 1mile charity race and I couldn't keep up with him He has leukaemia and was undergoing intense chemo and what was wrong with me ? Absolutely nothing except I was overweight and feeling sorry for myself for a variety of reasons . I can't describe how awful I felt . I promised him then that I would do the same race in 2014 It took me till sept last year before I started to try and climb out of my patheticness and when I discovered c25k

Q Why do I run

A Because I made that promise

Q Why do I want to improve

A Because I made that promise

It probably sounds overdramatic but c25k gave me back my life and I know that when my grandson is able to run longer races I will be there by his side

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Love it, its a fact of life that we can still learn from our kids and grandchildren, even 2 year olds :) Well done and I hope your grandson continues to improve and run many more races.

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Oldgirl

Thanks old girl

misswobble profile image

I was a fat unhealthy lump, who drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney. My knees ached, my hips clicked, my back was always seizing up, I could hardly get out of bed in the morning as my legs were so stiff. To save myself from all that I stopped all my unhealthy ways and decided to clean up my act. At 56, having lost just under four stone I felt a spring in my step and wondered if I could run. At my WW class I was pointed in the direction of C25k. That was back in October but I'm still running and enjoying it. I like trail running as I like the open spaces and fresh air. I never thought I would run. It was never on my radar but here I am doing it and enjoying the freedom it brings. It's changed the way I think about myself too. Instead of dreading fat old age and ill health I am now slim and fitter than I ever thought possible. As for improving, I don't think I'll ever be fast but I'm slowly increasing my distances and am up to 10 k. I hope to get to 16 k but am not looking any further ahead at present

Mum2run profile image

I started the c25k in Dec purely by chance. I found it online and thought it just be a personal fitness challenge. I wanted to do something to compensate for fact I was no longer required to walk my son to school and back as he's too cool now :)

A few weeks later my sister in law suggested Race for Life in memory of my Dad so that spurred me on.

Round Christmas/New Year, after bottling up a lot since Dad died I finally admitted life wasn't too good. I now run as a way of sorting my headspace along with finally seeking professional help.

If I hadn't found running in Dec when all this came to a head I don't know what state I would be in by now. I love running though at the mo I'm only doing 5k. I love the way I can plug my headphones in and go - forget everything. It is keeping me sane.

Perhaps it was fate that brought me here. I want to get a grip of everything and move forwards but one thing I want the running to come with me.

just_me_and_my_dog profile image


I agree with loads of the above comments. For me it was a wake up call with the loss of my mum, and with heart disease and diabetes in the family, I could see my gradual weight loss being unhealthy. Also, my little dog had put on weight. I wasn't sure if the vet described him as Porky or Portly (my hearing isn't great either ;-) but either way, though it was time we both had a bit more exercise.

Now I've started, I carry on because I love it! My mental health has improved as much as my physical. What drives me to improve? I'm not terribly ambitious, but would like to get down to a 30 minute 5K as I know that a bit more effort would help me to lose more weight.

Bazza1234 profile image

I follow the adage -- USE IT! or LOSE IT! I don't want to lose it -- so I realised I had better start using it. (I am talking about running!)

Magnetix101 profile image

I initially started the program out of peer pressure really - a colleague of mine had started running and kept inviting me on a run, but I knew I could not do it so always declined him, but in secret started the C25K course. I then continued running in order to get fitter and healthier and because against all my expectations I found I actually enjoyed it. What drives me to improve and push myself is the desire to see what I am capable of in an area which I previously thought I could not do at all and due to the great sense of achievement when you beat a PR or get to new distances. Not only is it really satisfying to get there, but it is also good for your fitness at the same time.

Hennith profile image

Ah, interesting questions. I'm not really sure why I started C25k. I spotted it on the NHS website one day and it struck me as something achievable that I might like to have a go at. Over the past few years I'd had a few health setbacks (return of epilepsy, spinal compression fractures, early menopause) and I knew I needed to do much more weight bearing exercise to improve my bone density. I don't enjoy organised sport though and I didn't want to do anything that meant I had to be in a certain place at a certain time on a certain day as I get down on myself if I can't make a session for any reason. So C25k seemed to tick all the boxes. I decided I'd give it a go once the school term restarted and I had more time to myself.

I can't honestly say I totally enjoyed doing the programme. I certainly surprised myself that I could just about manage each run and that I actually stuck to the programme. It was exciting that I had found a new 'skill' and I certainly started to feel more flexible. However, I was determined that having built up a certain level of fitness I would continue to try to run post-graduation.

And, once the dreadful winter was behind us, I started to enjoy my runs. I enjoy being out in the fresh air and feeling a certain freedom. I always take my Garmin with me and I somehow seem to make very slight improvements on each run, which is a great motivator. I think what keeps me getting out there is a feeling of possibility. The possibility to be fitter, healthier, stronger (physically and mentally), maybe running a race one day (now I am getting carried away...) Basically, I've found a new interest and, for the time being, I'm enjoying seeing just where that takes me.

BethRF profile image

Why do I run?...A question I ask myself at fairly regular intervals!!

1) Fitness. I was achingly unfit, and figured I'm too young for that. So b*lls to it, I'm going to fix it. I love having a big bum, but I wanted it to be firm, haha!

2) Mental health. I'm a PhD researcher, so I spend my days sat in libraries and sat at my desk, all alone and locked up inside my head. I was finding I had days on end where I wouldn't leave the house, and Stockholm Syndrome was setting in. Running gets the blood pumping, the mind cleared, and at least gets me out!

3) Happiness. This one sounds simple, and is a lot more of a recent development that the previous two motivators. These days, much as I still sometimes dread it, and it's still sometimes a pain, on the whole, running makes me a happier person. The satisfaction I get from seeing I've knocked a few seconds off my mile, or finishing something I never thought I could do, is just brilliant. It's a cliche, but it makes me feel alive, and powerful, and master of my own body. And I love that.

Hope that's some use!

OldNed profile image

Interesting questions and some great responses. I started because I'd just reached one of life's milestones; I'd retired from full-time work (age almost 62). I'd always been active (cycling, hill-walking) but felt I could do more. So it was a new challenge, initially. But I discovered not just that could do it but that I loved it and now, as so many others have said, it's just part of who I am and what I do. I can't conceive of stopping doing it, unless driven to it by infirmity (and even then I'd take some convincing). Oh, and there's always the possibility of meeting some fit bird who doesn't wear knickers (first time I typed that I hit 'o' instead of 'i' and had to have a break for some hysterical cackling) ;)

iloverunning profile image

Like many on here I began running for health reasons as I'm fast approaching 60 and I want to respect my body and remain as strong as I can for as long as I can. I continue to run because I can go at anytime I want, I can run anywhere I want to and it's free (apart from the initial outlay of running gear). I love the freedom of being outside whatever the weather and I love the fact that I feel and look so much better for it. Like others it's become part of who I am and I can't imagine my life without it now.

OlsBean profile image

Very simple for me, 4 words sum up an answer to all 3 questions.

I'm never going back! :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenjGraduate in reply to OlsBean

Yes OB - this is the same for me:-)

moger profile image

to keep fit to get faster to go further to be happy

Windswept1 profile image

What makes us run? About 6 years ago a friend died of cancer & I decided to get fit enough to run the local womens 5k. This is like a race for life but as we do not have enough people here it is a local version. I jogged all of it apart from about 50m uphill. I had always been fairly active but that reduced in 2011 when my partner was diagnosed with the big C and eventually succumbed in January last year. I decided to go for the 5k again, started with aquafit and then jog Scotland but had lots of muscle problems so walked the 5k. Got new running shoes and haven't looked back. Did the 12 week healthy eating plan & lost weight, graduated c25k last week and at 59 I am fitter than I have ever been.

Lots of support & I think envy from people, many much younger, at my new shape & energy is a big motivator. Plus my dear friend entering me for the Callanish Marathon in August as my 59th birthday present! She is a runner and thinks that I am now becoming normal. No way will I run 26 (not forgetting the .2 miles) but I WILL finish.

I never thought it would be a factor but I now want to get faster to get my 5 & 10k times down. Being pushed & supported by Kirsty Wade at my jog Scotland group.

Also reading a book that may interest you in your research - Running with the pack by Mark Rowlands. Jeez, - what an anorak - not only am I running - I am reading about it. Go us!

Yeshe profile image

Some great stories here. Mine: I began 'cos my 15 year old daughter was running and although I had a busy active job, I never broke sweat or got out of breath. I wanted to be around for her for as long as possible - so started like that. What keeps me going is the amazement I still have that I can run, and I love going across the park, running through the deer, listening to birds, feeling like I'm using my body for what its meant for. And the new Garmin has brought out my competitiveness - have I run faster today than yesterday, etc! Personal goals, not public ones. I love running, love feeling fit, and feel I can walk tall. Although I'm only up to 6.5k, am slowly building up the numbers and pace... And this site is amazing!

misswobble profile image

Old Ned!!! Ha ha. That cheered me up no end.


ajwyld profile image

I started as part of a campaign to lose weight and improve my general fitness. I guess I've kept going because I'm hooked. Also for the convenience of being able to go running pretty much any time I fancy it. (My long-time preferred sport has always been swimming, but being tied by pool opening times is a pain !) I don't think I have actually lost a whole load of weight, but thats probably because I need to pay more attention to what I'm eating now.

deb54 profile image


Like others, I started to lose weight and to 'get a grip' on my unfit body and mind. I was amazed that firstly I could do it, that I enjoyed it and I felt good! So now I do it because I enjoy being outside and it is good for my body and soul. I work in education and it has helped me deal with my incandescent rage at what is being done in the name of education reform. I can thank Gove for achieving a sub 30 min 5k. So it is good for mental health.

Driving me to improve? It is an exploration of what I can achieve when my expectations, at 54, last summer were so minimal. Would I be able to sustain running? yes, I can. Can I achieve a sub 30 min 5k? Yes I can. Each little achievement is its own little bubble of pleasure. I now have lovely new running friends(!), a wonderful unexpected bonus prize and I am enjoying being a parkrun tourist.

I need to add that I have just received a parcel from decathlon this am containing a 50L running bag for all the bits and bobs, tops and bottoms, socks, hats, gloves etc. I also bought two pairs of running PANTS, knickers, drawers. Just saying

kickibro profile image

Simply: I love the belief I am doing something good for me.  I love meeting new goals.  It gives me a new sense of purpose.

Bazza1234 profile image

How about -- because I am retired and I don't have much else to do??? Sad -- but partly true.

mossy1 profile image

I HATED PE at school and had never been sporty. I started running in my late 20s and early 30s and was the thinnest, fittest and most energetic I had been. I did 2 10Ks then stopped. I saw the C25K and thought -"why not start again" Now 54 and delighted to be able to be running again. Its a positive move to maintaining fitness and wellbeing. At times it is tough but the sense of achievement once you have done a run is immeasurable. So after all that it's

Doing something positive about ones health

Sense of achievement

Maintaining fitness

Sorry about the blurb

Happy Panthering

achydunlin profile image

Why did I start running? I'd been a keen walker for years, been to the gym, hated the treadmill (fell off it once) and signed up for a 5k race for life with a friend, thought I was fit... ran with said friend - found to my shock that I could barely run for a minute so did the C25K.

I struggle all the time with running, make excuses not to go out. I go on the treadmill at the gym (haven't fell off it for a while) but claim its boring, run outside and moan its harder than the treadmill... but to me it's 'me time'. I'm doing a PhD, I'm a single mum, it's the only thing I do where I can just 'be'. I like pushing myself and once I'm out running, according to people who've seen me stumbling past I have a big grin on my face and I love the feeling after a good run.

Latte_Lady profile image

WHAT IT IS THAT MAKES US RUN - the fact that if I pack up now, all the hard work so far has been a waste of time, (along with what I've spent on running gear!) and after spending all day cooped up in an office, the opportunity to be out doors in the fresh air and run away from the stress of the day.

WHY WE DO IT - for the buzz I get when I've done a run, the fact that since starting running I've had no migraines, hardly any headaches, sleep so much better, have lost weight and feel so much happier!

WHAT DRIVES US TO IMPROVE - the sense of achievement I get by running that little bit further every time I do a 30 minute run and the desire to lose more weight and get fitter!

marc_read profile image

I think people have mentioned many valid reasons for running.... fundamentally I think it may be as simple as it makes us feel good.

Why do we want to improve well perhaps the more we do the better we feel.

I think it would be interesting to look at what causes these feelings and how they affect different people.

BettysbOps profile image

Happy to help on this one!

I did it for

- Energy. Had so little before have so much now!

- General fitness. I want to have a baby and being an ex-caner has given me a beer gut plus I'm a sedentary office worker

- The challenge. Guy I know used to be a right butterball. Now he's a ripped fell runner. I also am chasing the "runners high"

- Forcing a lifestyle change. I just can't drink that much anymore cos I just feel so crappy and I don't want to drink that much anymore as I've got to think about running/yoga/swimming the next day!

Hope this helps x

Tattoojunkie30 profile image

I was affectionately "nagged" into it by a friend.....she was doing the couch to 5k as a way to help her lose weight for her wedding and she was raving about it and "suggested" I try it too. So one day when I couldn't take it anymore I changed my life....after you get over all the out of breathness and feeling like either your legs are going to drop off or your lungs explode or both at the same realise that you love it and soon it becomes part of you and when you don't run you feel all fidgety, wrong and like something is missing. Running has caused a chain reaction in my life because I run, I now monitor what I eat, I don't drink alcohol apart from every now and again, I've lost weight, I was probably only this fit when I was 17 and more than anything it is helping me cope with the aftermath of depression - it keeps that black dog firmly locked in its cage and as a result I'm happier and so is everyone around me when I say it has changed my life it has changed it literally in the best possible way.....and all from one nagging friend

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