The Juicyju Marathon tale: Hello you lovely... - Couch to 5K

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The Juicyju Marathon tale

ju-ju- profile image
179 Replies

Hello you lovely people, I am here to tell my tale...of my very first marathon....

Firstly: my background: I am 44 and I started running 2 years ago with C 25k. When I first heard Laura tell me that after 9 weeks I would be able to run for 30 minutes non stop I think I choked ( and swore) .However, 'how do you eat an elephant? One chunk at a time.... 'That's how I achieved C25k and I applied that principle to the rest.

The race:

I just need to describe the process to get to the start line:

1. Print off race details

2. Get a letter from your GP to say you are fit to run

3. Take above AND proof of identity to the running expo located on the far side of Paris

4. Get in a queue at said location and a French person studies above documents and if they are happy stamps something in red in French on the number 1 document

5. Take #1 document to another stand ( which completely confused me) where they rustle through lots of boxes and find an envelope with your number on

6. Take said envelope to another stall and claim a race bag and goodies

After all that I was flipping exhausted.....and broke too as leon found a stall that sold dried fruit ( which he loves) and we bought a bag of dried fruit pick n mix .....36 euros.....hmmmmmmm

So...the run. I can only do this in a true Juicyju list...


1.I felt amazing and strong and so enjoyed running in the most beautiful parts of Paris, very humbling

2.At every 5k there were tables with Vittel, cut up fruit, dried fruit and sugar lumps, and then 1 mile ahead tables with hoses to spray you down and sponging too

3.I met Rosie, another c25 k'er and she was so so lovely

4.I loved being amongst other runners, seeing their determination and also seeing the grit of a runner when it gets tough ( which it did)

5.Getting past 13.1 miles, it's a tough hurdle, and also mentally to think that it's halfway

6.After 15 miles I established a good system where I ran for 2.5 miles then walked fast for half a mile to recover. I could see quickly with extra fitness this will be my route and method to ultras. I felt I could keep going with that method as I really recovered

7. My lad joined me for the last k and joined me in the finishing line :)

8. My best friend texted me at every stop. It made me do it and carry on.

9. At 22 miles they were giving out wine...yes wine. I stopped and had helped so much!!!

10. My stick.


1. it was hard. It was hard. Did I say it was hard?

2. My gremlins were in full force...' It's 11 miles, not even halfway and you are already tired,'......' It's 18 miles, you are knackered and you have 8 miles left...yes 8 miles, you can't possibly do that!' .......

3. The legs hurt from about 12 miles. I just ran through the pain

4. The walkers...there were a lot of people walking from about 15 miles... Including a Nordic walker ( respect) but it put you off a bit

5. In the Bois De Bologne everyone was pissing ( yes pissing), including the women, in full view. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not shy and doing that sort of thing is not something I'd be embarrassed about, but there were portalooos so there was no need. I needed to go so I Queued and this woman in front refused to go in as the seat was wet...some people.... Needless to say I did use it!! It just felt odd seeing people pissing everywhere.

I read up a lot beforehand about marathons and timings. There is a lot of debate out there. I feel utterly privileged to be able to participate in such an event, and however slow us plodders go, we can achieve great personal goals. My time is: 5 hours 31 minutes. I'm so happy with that.

It's made me understand why I love running. Next steps are to run so much more to be stronger and fitter and to achieve my goals, and to run free. I can't wait to get out there for my next run.

Happy Panthering


Pic is me and my kids helping me along, and another runner ( looking sad!!)


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ju-ju- profile image
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179 Replies
Northernspirit profile image

Whoo Hooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Mega super uber well done JJ ! Great post and even greater achievement, to think you were at my stage 2 years ago and now this, inspiring doesn't really cover it. You have every right to be delighted. As for the weeing I am with you, a bit of decorum please everyone! Hope the body is feeling ok, maybe the buzz overrides the pain?

Enjoy your success :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Northernspirit

thankyou...feeling more human now!!!

danzargo profile image

I LOVE the bit about wine at 22 miles! Bloomin hilarious!! Good on you. Well done once again juju you did so amazingly well. And how great Leon ran the last K with you too. A memory to cherish there that's for sure.

€36 for a bag of dried fruit? BAST***S!!!

Wristy profile image
WristyGraduate in reply to danzargo

Paris prices, only place in the world I've seen a can of coke on sale for a fiver!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Wristy

and flipping coffee for a fiver too!!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to danzargo

the wine was so good.... and Leon is my little angel!!

Bazza1234 profile image

Wonderful !! JuicyJu.

Re the walking bits. I have done a bit of run/walk too ( nothing like a Marathon though) and a problem I have is finding a pair of shoes that are suitable for both running and walking. I do tend to go for ultralight minimalist shoes for running - but these have no heel support so are not the greatest for walking in. Shoes that do have padded heels are not so good for running in.

Any thoughts along these lines

Big congrats to you -- was there a particular reason that you chose the Paris Marathon as your first??

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Bazza1234

I didn't get into london and I have always loved for shoes, my Brooks were pretty comfy..... I am no expert on footwear!!!

MarkyD profile image

That is certainly an achievement worthy of the strongest panther. Plus dealing with the necessary paperwork and all your endurance during the training program.

Congratulation to you, Rosie and Leon for crossing the finishing line.

Wine! Whatever next.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to MarkyD

Thankyou, and it was so lovely to meet Rosie too, she is delightful :)

OldNed profile image

We never doubted you for a moment! That's a fantastic achievement Ju, really well done. You'll never forget it and we're all very proud of you?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to OldNed

Thankyou...still pinching myself that I did it !!!

Irishprincess profile image

JJ what a tale! You've been absolutely amazing and we are so, so proud of you. It sounded so hard but you did it. You ran a bloody marathon! In Paris! In 5H31! How fab is that? And your lad joined you on the finish? What a lovely memory for you both. (Didn't get the photo though)

Brilliant, brilliant achievement. xxx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Irishprincess

Thankyou...and a bit of trouble experienced with the pic!!!!!

Wristy profile image

Just amazing, what an effort! all of here are in awe of you. Well f**king done!

janda profile image

Well done Jj. It's really inspiring to read your postings and to hear of your adventures. Wonderful, wonderful stuff. Keep it up. Ultras? Really got the bug, eh?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to janda

yep...ultra in 2 years, thats the plan. I need to work on my core a lot and get used to running every day :)

Junew profile image

JJ, just wanted to say well done, fantastic achievement. Definitely one to mark off the bucket list. I don't even know you but you were in my thoughts as well as everyone else on here willing you to complete though we never doubted it. Keep posting tho to keep us mere plodders a dream that one day we could achieve even half of what you have just accomplished. Respect. X

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Junew

Thankyou...I have been so touched by all the support from you all :)

runswithdogs profile image

Beautiful JJ. Loved hearing about your journey. That's really fantastic.

misswobble profile image

Well done JJ! we knew you'd do it You must be well and truly knackered now. where's the photo?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to misswobble

no worky :(

misswobble profile image

Just reading scott jurek's about ultra running. 200 miles a week in training! Flippin eck!

Runon profile image

So So proud of you - what an achievement - when you are 98 and looking back on your life this will be one of those moments that will bring a very big smile to your face and then of course you will go out for your run :) X

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Runon

love it...I certainly hope so x

Alydee profile image

Brilliant! Have been eagerly following your posts on the journey to this goal and never doubted you'd make it. You are an inspiration.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Alydee

Thankyou :)

Anaverageman profile image

Well done 😊, it was never going to to be a SHORT post after all. what a great friend! Text every mile? Did she follow you by sat nav? We are all proud of you x

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Anaverageman

the texting really spurred me on, i got one every 5k :)

Anaverageman profile image
AnaveragemanGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

great idea.. although i STILL dont know how they managed to know you had reached each 5 k? ( how many 5 K's in a marathon he idly wonders? 8.5 it turns out... )

great idea though.. worth remembering ..

Dunder2004 profile image

Really well done JJ.

Your post (and running story generally) is inspiring.

Early bird entries for next year's Brighton marathon open today (14th). Just sayin' ;)

Wristy profile image
WristyGraduate in reply to Dunder2004

Got that one lined up too Dunder? ;)

Dunder2004 profile image
Dunder2004Graduate in reply to Wristy

After reading of JJs struggles, I fear my mouth might have issued some cheques that my legs can't cash but yes, I am pretty much committed to that one Nick.

Wristy profile image
WristyGraduate in reply to Dunder2004

ah nice one! Might see you on a start line somewhere in 2016 then eh!

(and if running marathons was easy, it wouldn't be even half the challenge I'd imagine - or half the reward at the end)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Dunder2004

ha ha!!! Good idea, but I'm not sure yet, I would quite like to do another European city ....

Wristy profile image
WristyGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

I have got my heart set on Berlin 2016. Long way yet mind you!

runningnearbeirut profile image

Brilliant, well done you!

Great plan to give yourself scheduled walks, and it worked :)

Rob_and_his_westie profile image

Massive round of applause and congratulations for a fantastic achievement. The sheer effort required comes across very clearly in you post, I am in awe!

Glad to see the French are doing nothing to dispel Anglo-Saxon stereotypes (Wine, Bois de Boulogne). Was the event T-Shirt black and white hoops with a beret by any chance?

Well done indeed.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Rob_and_his_westie

...and I have a string of onions to hold the medal ;)

Madge50 profile image

Absolutely brilliant JJ, well done you, I was thinking of you on my 'little' 10k yesterday (who am I kidding it all takes hard work and determination!) respect lady, and did you mention 'ultras' , lordy missus, you have turbo legs!

Big hug, rest those tired Panther legs.


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Madge50

thankyou...but its all relative isn't it???

rockchick69 profile image

You're a real star JJ....never doubted for a minute that you couldn't do it. That is a fantastic time and it is such an achievement that you have done it xxxx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to rockchick69

Thankyou :)

CKC1 profile image

Total respect, JJ - you are awesome! 😄 And a hilarious post too! You have given my gremlins a right kick up the backside too (my gremlins actually think 5K is marathon distance)!! 😄

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to CKC1

excellent..thankyou :)

jaynekate profile image

I think you're a complete hero! Fanbloodytastic😀

carerof profile image

reading this bought tears to my eyes, you have worked so hard to achieve your goal, i am so pleased and happy for you, your family and friends must be so proud of you and what an amazing mum and example to your boy. Well done JuciyJu have a lovely rest now!!!!!!!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to carerof

thankyou so much, you have all been so supportive and I felt you all cheering me on xxxx

caj62 profile image

Knew you'd do it Juicy! Congratulations. Was thinking of you on Sunday when I was hm training. And did you hear me cheer leading with my pom-poms? How lovely to have your boy with you at the end!


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to caj62

i love pom poms...thankyou so much :)

Jo55 profile image

Congratulations, such an inspiration to everyone on C25k

You really are amazing ! I have loved following your adventures, the ups and the downs along the way, your vlogs, the way you make running seem exotic and exciting (still just hard slog here but I can dream !) I am so pleased you achieved the marathon and can tell it won't stop there. Thank you for sharing it all with us, give your body a good rest from all that pushing and punishing and....happy running...!!!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to

Thankyou...but I will be showing off my new t shirt on Saturday at Parkrun :)

Brilliant, JJ. Just bloody brilliant :)

AncientMum profile image

Flippin' awesome JJ. Actually got a lump in my throat reading your post. Very very well done. You've become one of that elite bunch, a marathon runner :) No matter what life throws at you in the future, you can always look back and think about what you achieved on Sunday, and know that you're strong, you're really strong. Congratulations :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to AncientMum

Thankyou...and life does certainly throw it all at you...

GoogleMe profile image

I've been checking in desperately waiting for this. Congratulations on a massive achievement and thank you for enabling us to enjoy it vicariously.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to GoogleMe

Thankyou so much for your support :)

aliboo70 profile image

That's amazing juicyju, what an experience! Sounds like you're going to be signing up for more?! Glad you had a fantastic time 😊

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to aliboo70

thats the plan...hee hee!!

magster profile image

What a truly fantastic achievement. I think I can safely say we are all so proud of you. What a wonderful memory you will have especially crossing the finishing line with Leon. Brilliant x

turnturtle profile image

Amazing! And humbling. I also started C25K two years ago and am further now from running a marathon than I was a year ago. Good on you! Not sure if the free wine compensates for the public pissing. You'd get neither in London but it would be so much more boring! Well,well done!

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to turnturtle

Why so???

turnturtle profile image
turnturtleGraduate in reply to Bazza1234

oh just a succession of colds, allergies and general down in the dumps-ness Bazza, None of which are any excuse for not running I know. Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow....

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to turnturtle

Thats so true, but the wine was so worth it!!!

ViaM profile image

Bravo, bravo, bravo!!! I hope you bathed your tired legs in a bath full of Champagne! An amazing achievement!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to ViaM

now that sounds perfect...and a straw :)

agedsnailspace profile image

Mega, mega congratulations! Staggeringly well done - and brilliant post! Go JJ!!!

What an inspiring example you are,

Anniemurph profile image

You are amazing - what a star! I never doubted you would make this :) A brilliant achievement, and an inspiration xxx

Pat184 profile image

Congratulations JJ lovely post Pat

Doodle1 profile image

Amazing, amazing, amazing. You've trained so hard and shown true grit and determination and achieved exactly what you committed yourself to. Absolutely fantastic. Love reading your posts you give so much inspiration to others to go out there and achieve their own goals. Congratulations you truly deserve it.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Doodle1

Thankyou :)

Doglets05 profile image

Amazing achievement well done :))

ancientrunner profile image


fredl profile image

What a feat of strength! Thanks for sharing!

millwalki8 profile image

Fan Bloody Tastic :)

Theziggy profile image

Well done JJ, all your hard work and determination paid off. Did you mention 'Ultras'?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Theziggy

Thats the plan......

Theziggy profile image
TheziggyGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

Wow - 100K's next? Awesome

Parky-Park profile image

You were thinking about doing an ultra while in the middle of a marathon ?!!! You really are a panther - absolutely fabulous JJ, congratulations!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Parky-Park

its that desire to always move on to the next challenge, its very addictive!!!!

Frank-ntj profile image

Great post JJ, it sounds like the admin was a bit of a nightmare and needed patience! I'm glad you succeeded in completing your epic run it must have been a run to remember. You have set goals for all of us to expire too, a big well done and congratulations on your achievement.

lou-34 profile image

Wow, well done you. You deserved that wine. 😊

tal31 profile image

A fantastic achievement. You are such an inspiration :-) x

useitorloseit profile image

Amazeballs! I hope you've got a few days off work after that!!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to useitorloseit

I wish...back in and full on sadly first thing Monday :(

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

Oh my word - you must have been trashed and mashed!!!

Zev1963 profile image

Well done jj ultra panther. That is an amazing achievement. You are truly an inspiration to this forum. What a wonderful city to choose for your first marathon :)

Well done, happy running jj

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Zev1963

Thanks Zev, it is definitely a good one to choose for a first...very flat!!

MarkyD profile image







:-) LOL. Forgot the 'H'

Zev1963 profile image
Zev1963Graduate in reply to MarkyD


poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Zev1963

Ha ha, ! :-D xxx

Zev1963 profile image
Zev1963Graduate in reply to poppypug


Wristy profile image
WristyGraduate in reply to Zev1963

H is for "Huh"?! ;)

MarkyD profile image
MarkyDGraduate in reply to Wristy








Zev1963 profile image
Zev1963Graduate in reply to MarkyD

Bien joué :D

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to MarkyD

Excellent!! :) :) :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to MarkyD

love it ;)

Tomas profile image

Wow, what an achievement, JuJu. Wow! It sounds like it was a wonderful experience. Mucho mucho respect and huge congratulations!

Buffy007 profile image

Amazing. Fabulous post. Just fabulous. So French too. Bril. Can't think of any more superlatives at the moment. Fab - well done.

LoopeeLou profile image

Beyond outstanding. Great recap and fantastic achievement. BRAVO !!

Thank you for sharing, Juicy Ju, I don't comment often on the site but I have really enjoyed following your training posts. You are a marathon runner now, so cool ☺

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to LoopeeLou

I feel very privileged that you did...thankyou :)

JJ. you ARE C25K.

Congrats and never, never buy dried fruit pick 'n mix again!

no-excuse profile image

I had goosebumps reading that Ju. You are an awesome lady, we were cheering you all the way! A fabulous achievement that has taken loads of commitment and determination. An experience you will never forget. Look after yourself and have a nice rest! X :-)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to no-excuse

Thank you so so much :)

carole01 profile image

Well done JuJu you must feel so proud! Feeling guilty in las Vages hubby and I decided we would do a half together and climb some mountain with the children too. Hope you are now enjoying your time in France and the lovely wines. I know you haven't mentioned the money you have raised as a pre requisite is another testimony to your character. A big well done and relax now x

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to carole01

Thankyou so much...and Las!!!

Unfitdad59 profile image

Another great Juicuju story! What an inspiration you are to us!

poppypug profile image

We are so so proud of you , you are amazing !!! Couch to Marathon in 2 years - a magnificent achievement . Well done Ju, if anyone can- this girl can ! :-)

You can now have lots of lovely no stress , no pressure runs where you can run just for the love of it, but I suspect it wont be long before you have another plan tucked up your sleeve :-)

Get those paws up Panther ! :-)

PS : Where are the photos ? xxx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to poppypug

Thankyou won't worky ;(

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

Aw thats a shame xxx

roseabi profile image

Well done, you are awesome!! This is such an inspiring post. Wine at 22 miles sounds great too, I may make that part of my training plan :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to roseabi

I think that should definitely be the plan :)

Pollynorris profile image

That's amazing JJ, I've been looking forward to reading this and you didn't disappoint!

That is a fantastic achievement and I am soooooo pleased for you.

flossieflyblow profile image

An extraordinary accomplishment! You have such strength and determination. I'm so thrilled for you and the whole of the JJ family! I can't believe the wine at 22miles!!!!! x

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to flossieflyblow

It was rather nice :)

Wonkyknee profile image

Just wow!

And well done-total respect :))

Realfoodieclub profile image

Well done. It sounds such a small thing to say In Light of what you have achieved. You really kicked those gremlins In The butt and told them their place. Your a true proud panther and an inspiration to all of us on here. As always happy panthering.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thanks RFC :)

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done Panther Lady!!

Another C25k marathon runner proving the power of our favourite running programme. Many congratulations, especially on beating French bureaucracy.

Keep running, keep smiling.

BoPeep9009 profile image

Juicyju!!! You did it (never doubted it)! Totally brilliant ... well done a zillion times! When i realized it was Paris on Sunday i immediately thought of you (despite missing everyone;s news so far this year) and hoped for a great experience for you! Sounds like it was incredible! Trust you're sleeping through til Thursday now (that's what a big cat would do!) BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!

danzargo profile image
danzargoGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

BoPeep where have you beeeeen???!!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to BoPeep9009

Thankyou...tired now as i have been at work since Monday!!!

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to ju-ju-


Roll on the weekend then ... No running; only chillaxing :-)

Tryrun profile image

Very well done to you, an amazing achievement and in the Paris heat too x

AndyD profile image

Brilliant... well done... I did enjoy reading your run report... it is surprising what can be achieved with effort and determination :-)

catchmeifucan profile image

Well done JJ and thanks for sharing the experience with us!

PrincessStef profile image

Fantastic :). France just knows how to do running well. A friend lives in Toulouse and runs races regularly where the after run drink is wine :). I don't understand the weeing thing, I have issues using public toilets and really struggle at outdoor events but weeing in the street is just way beyond my comfort level.

Thank you for sharing this. It is so inspiring :):):) . Happy Running :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to PrincessStef

I agree..there is no need!!!

AndyJ57 profile image

Absolutely inspirational, well done 😀😀😀

Ullyrunner profile image

Well done JJ - our C25k poster girl! What a fantastic achievement.

5kOrBust profile image

Oh JJ what a wonderful read! Excellently, stupendously well done. What an inspiration you are! I went to watch the Brighton Marathon on Sunday but couldn't help wondering from time to time how you were doing. I hope you're now basking in the well deserved glow of achievement and accomplishment. Enjoy it! Steve xx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to 5kOrBust

Thankyou so much :)

What else can I say other than Darling, you are the ultimate & original panther. Well done I never once had a single doubt that you would not do this.

What a fantastic journey we have been on, coming up to just about 2 years and every single run every post you have been so inspirational and enthralling

You are the story of the success for all of C25k & for the NHS but above all the down right determination & strength you have shown is legendary.

I am so looking forward to starting the next chapter with you and being there for the whole journey good bad and otherwise.

Keep on Panthering and keep the stick.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to

I can't wait for the next chapter too, thank you for getting me to the finish line...and for stick

Burgdude profile image

Well done JJ! I love the part about the wine. You are a wonderful example of how far one can go with c25k. I am so glad for you!

misswobble profile image

Have you see that Cartier (no less) named a perfume after you? La Panthere!!!!

YvetteK profile image

Fantastic achievement - you're a huge inspiration to all us at C25k . Take a well earned rest now!

Huge congratulations! I'd been wondering how you got on - really enjoyed reading about your training beforehand and so glad to hear it went well!

Pigivi profile image


AdamB profile image

Well done - That's one heck of an achievement.

For a future marathon, can I suggest the the Marathon du Medoc - the usual 26.2 miles but with compulsory wine stops at each of the 23 vineyards it passes through (not to mention the fancy dress and the foie gras and oyster stops...). It sounds to me that the Paris marathon with one wine stop is a sort of training run for it.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to AdamB

I know about that one and thats on the list most definitely :)

Atalaya profile image

Well done! I'm struggling a bit with motivation and new shoe issues but was inspired to go out on Sunday because of you. I thought if you can run a marathon then I can get off my backside and do a little run. was my furthest yet - 6.5km!

Thank you!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Atalaya

I am so so pleased, well done, you star!!! I am so glad you did that, I hope you enjoyed it too :)

old_git profile image

Fantastic JuicyJu! Well done on your fantastic achievement. You have made all us C25K'ers and graduates very proud and inspired us all. Keep on panthering!

The wine at 22 miles made me laugh out loud - BRILLIANT!

Really well done - you are such an inspiration to us all! xx

operation2015 profile image

Omfg 5 hours thats amazing! Sh#t you must be soooooo proud of yourself, i bet you are buzzing!! Xx

Girlyswot profile image

Many congratulations JJ, what a fab achievement ! So lovely that your lad ran with you for the last km. Love the idea of a wine station !! We are all so proud of you ! xx

Tattoojunkie30 profile image

Oh my god Juicy well done Mrs! Wine! Wooo hooo! Hope youre legs are ok and your boy is lovely i just wanna hug him! Well done juicy!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Tattoojunkie30

he is gorgeous...thankyou!!

pinkangel16 profile image

Fantastic, just fantastic! Well done you :) :)

If you catch up with posts from over the weekend you'll see we've all been behind you and waiting for your report.

I really hope to meet you in a few weeks at the Bristol 10k.

Just been telling Mr Pink about the wine at 22 miles - that got his interest going.. but sadly not enough to join the running thing!

:) xx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to pinkangel16

brilliant, best way to lure him in!!!

Jase44 profile image

JJ I bet if you had tried really hard you could have done it in 5hrs and 30 mins. :) only joking I new you would do it, I had total faith in you and you have gone and made me really proud to say I know you. That time is brilliant, I bet two years ago when you were thinking "run for 30 minutes, I'll never do that !" That you would be here post marathon runner and top class Panther. As all the others have said you are an inspiration to us all. It just goes to show what determination, sweat, pain and I dare say a bit of swearing can do. Well done again JJ. Now go get that well earned rest. By the way did you find the shrimp? :) whoop whoop you smashed it girl 👏 🐘 🇬🇧 ;) J and 100 replies 😎

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Jase44

Thank you so shrimp!!!!! I know, I am so touched by all these people supporting me...very humbling......

Coddfish profile image

Well done and congratulations on beating my 29 year old niece by 8 minutes!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Coddfish

say a HUGE well done from me :)

goonkeepgoing profile image

Just awesome!!!!!!!!! I'm in awe. Very well done on the most amazing achievement.

smiler61 profile image

Congratulations on your Marathon achievement.

Carolecal profile image

Congratulations must be on cloud nine incredible achievement !

So brill to complete a marathon with the aid of a little wine :) and completely

wonderful that Leon joined you for the final km and the amazing finish.

Due to some difficult circumstances I've been off this site and totally out of the loop for weeks .....I didn't even realise it was Paris last I'm really happy to get on here today and read your amazing post.

Well done Panther Girl xx

PS ...the French do love to pee in public :)....your tale of the Bois de Boulogne had me in fits !

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Carolecal

Thankyou...and I hope you are ok....sending a hug xx

hilbean profile image

Fantastic JJ. What a wonderful achievement in a wonderful place. Great to read your write up. :) xx

greenlegs profile image

Can't remember when I last signed in on here, but I saw 'the juicyju marathon tale' and had to come and read it. Brilliant - especially the wine and the peeing. So in awe of your running. The panther rocks. Thanks for sharing this with us all, and inspiring us so much. Hope you get to enjoy a good rest at the weekend.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to greenlegs

Greenlegs!!!! Wow, I have been wondering how you are. I can remember my very first post I think for my week 3 run, and you immediately posted and then always gave me such encouragement....I won't ever forget that. I hope you are well and still running????

greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

Aww! That's so nice to hear. My skin has been keeping me indoors mostly for the past year (flares up badly in the sun) but I think it's calmed down a bit - anyway I've done two twenty minute runs in the last week, and hope to build it up a bit more again. Though even if I don't, 20 minutes is way more than I'd ever done before c25k (I think 2 minutes was above my absolute maximum before then). I've been following in the facebook c25k page, but hadn't joined the beyond page as I'd only run 10 k once - but I'm in there now so I can follow what everyone's up to, and maybe get past 5k again too. I loved reading about your two joining you at the end of the marathon - I clearly remember when Leon started running with you. :)

Nellyharte profile image

Big massive hugs from me. Brought a lump to my throat reading your post. We are so proud of you jj. I agree re the pissing....bit weird!! Does that happen at every marathon?! Enjoy the post race high you deserve all these glorious posts.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Nellyharte

Thankyou...and I hope not, it was quite bad, especially as there were loos available!!!

c4ts profile image

Cant believe I missed this 2 days ago - I know I left a little message on FB but it was HU where we all met up and where your journey is always best described. Inspirational and now onwards perhaps a few marathons before the Ultras.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to c4ts

Thankyou xxxx

Caroline69 profile image

Tres bien Madame JJ- that's a fantastic post; so thrilled for you!!

I'm going to campaign for vino at my local ParkRun 👏👏❤️👏👏

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Caroline69

I think thats a grand idea...and a bottle of champers for a 50th park run :)

Oldgirl profile image

Congratulations on a job well done, Panthering done in great style, you are amazing JuJu xx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Oldgirl

Thanks Oldgirl...thanks for being with me, supporting me and having a laugh too on this amazing journey...I think you are fab xxxxx

runningphobe_no_more profile image

You are amazing - and inspiring - and a Supergraduate. There ought to be a new badge just for you, presented by Laura in person. Well done.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to runningphobe_no_more

Yes , I agree with this ! :-) xxxx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to runningphobe_no_more

love it!!!!! or perhaps a panther badge ;)

suzybenj profile image

Respect lady- doff of the hat from me to you :-)

vikicats profile image

I love your lists of good and bad features. I read your post thinking I could possibly do that, then thought maybe not. You are an inspiration to me - someone the same age as me, running for about the same time as me. You have achieved so much. well done. x

Prin profile image

It's all been said HUGE CONGRATS I am so jealous you have spurred me on to enter next year, DH did it in 2013 one of the reasons being there is none of this ballot nonsense if you are early you are in unlike London........ And there is no wine in London either🍷

suel18 profile image

I've just logged back in after a few weeks away and was soo pleased to see you did it Ju. I knew you would be proud of yourself it's a wonderful achievement.

If they all gave us wine I'd enter every race!! ;) *)

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