After a sore calf for a couple of days i have discovered the wonders of foam rollers! Tried it out last night following some exercises online and today felt much better! I had done my first 5k ish run of the week on monday evening, my technology...
B*****R! Technology out to get me! Most of my post has disappeared and its bedtime now Oh well, brief recap.........
1.went running
2.MP3 died
3.managed 35 mins running tho!
4.covered 7.7km in hr that i was out!
5. picture is of the big hill i staggered up following run!!!
6. Off to bed now with deserved "Baileys", getting moaned at as someone unmentionable has to be up at 5.30am for equinox bike ride with mad ex colleagues(followed by big breakfast)
7. Note to self, don't let technology get you down !