I never imagined that having struggled to run for 60 seconds 9 weeks ago that I was able to complete tonight running for 30 mins doing 3.5 miles. I am aged 55 and sit at my computer a lot at work so was relatively unfit, now I am much fitter and sometimes even enjoy my run. Brilliant set of pod casts, now considering doing a 10K in May, thank you.
Couch to 5k completed tonight!: I never imagined... - Couch to 5K
Couch to 5k completed tonight!

Well done and goid luck with your 10k in may. Im doing a 10k in april. All the best with your running x

Congratulations, job well done

Well done! Congrats on graduating
There are three more Laura podcasts which follow on from Couch. They are called Stepping Stones, STamina and Speed and they can be downloaded from this site, as can the Sami Murphy Bridge to 10 k programme
I have just started couch25k week 1 but your post has given me hope!

Well done! I know that feeling. I'm a similar age a sit at a computer or in the car a lot, and I'm amazed at what I've achieved. I'm on week 8, so just a bit behind you, but I'm so close to 30mins and 5k. Might not get both next week, but I'm not far away.

Well done, it's a fantastic feeling. 10k sounds like a great goal...same as mine
Age is no barrier to running...go you !

Congratulations. Enjoy your graduation badge.
Hi well done, there's no stopping you now. you're a proper runner. Enjoy your running.

Hurray!!! Congratulations - good luck with your future running plans

Hooray!! Well done you. Inspiring for the rest of us

Well done - its amazing isn't it.

That's fantastic! Enjoy your running and good luck for your 10k x

Thank you everyone for the congratulations they made my evening!

Onwards and upwards Flamingo1.