Hi, I’ve just joined this page today but I am currently on Week 5 Of The Couch to 5K programme and I am loving it ~ For someone who always said “I can’t run”, “it’s not for Me” well I’m just so glad now that I came across this App whilst I googled for tips for new runners, I can’t believe how far I’ve come already and the buzz you get from doing it, it’s brilliant. I’m a very active person who attends High impact fitness classes around 6/7 times a week so I definitely think this too has helped and I feel myself getting fitter & stronger all the time. Yesterday I Done Run 2 Of Week 5, which was running for 8 mins & walking for 5 x 2, which I managed fine but I’ve noticed Run 3 Of Week 5, which I’m doing tmz is Walk for 5 mins then Run for 20🙈 then Walk for 5, which is quite a big jump from 8mins to 20, so fingers crossed I manage this🙏🏼 ~ Excellent programme & I am super proud of how far I have came already, will be a massive Achievement to me when I complete the 5K at the end (Week 9), hopefully, haha!
Couch To 5K: Hi, I’ve just joined this page... - Couch to 5K
Couch To 5K

I’m at the same point - run 2 this morning, 20 minutes looming. I just have faith that each step so far has been manageable. Challenging but manageable.
Well done on what you’ve achieved so far, good luck with the next run!
Thank You Jay I will keep you posted and let you know how I get on with it tmz, will just have to pace myself, think I’ve mastered the breathing technique, which makes a big difference.
Ooh and Well Done To you Too Jay, That’s great & good for you👍🏼, keep it up😀
Hi you two , I have just completed my run 2 week 5 as well. I have surprised myself so far , the first week I struggled with 60 seconds !! How the 20 minutes will go is another matter 😱😱
I need to get caught up ..I’ve had a cheeky 2 day rest so it’s my wk5r2 in the morning ..hope it went ok for you
Hi there😀 well Run 3, Wk 5, was successful👍🏼, I’m not going to lie, my legs did eventually start to tire and they were sore before I even started but I managed to push through it & Run for 20 minuets straight & I awarded myself with a Costa ☕️ afterwards, that was my Treat if I succeeded😊 Today is rest day then start Wk 6 ~ Run 1 tmz & I’m already looking forward to it!!! Thank You for my luck👍🏼 & if I can do it, you can too😊

Welcome to the forum.
The guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
You don't have to reach 5k in W9 to graduate, just run for thirty minutes three times.
Enjoy your journey.

I’m pleased it’s going well looking forward to hearing how run 3 goes this week