I went for my pre assessment for my op this morning. Just a small thing nothing major but I went for a run this morning before. I always run first thing and I have 1/2 glass water then out the door. Came home and had 1 cup of tea and then 1 cup of coffee. When the nurse tried to take the blood 1/2 hour later she couldn't find any and said you must be dehydrated? She was experienced. The only other thing I can think of was I took a sinutab yesterday for a sinus problem. Do you think I need more liquid? I have never had trouble giving blood before. Was quite shocked and now look like a pin cushion. I was wondering if I should be having something more than water (like juice or something) before I go out.
Any advice on hydration and blood tests. - Couch to 5K
Any advice on hydration and blood tests.

I'm so sorry that must have made you feel terrible... tricky for me as its my profession .. BUT .. Veins are funny things and she should not have said that to you...if you pinch your skin on your hand/arm and if it stays up and is slow to go back then you may be dehydrated... However it's about how you feel and your body will tell you what you need.. Trust it... I'm so sorry you've been let down, you are fabulous by the way xxxxxxx
Thanks for that. I was confident on my hydration before I think I will go back to that thought. My skin is elastic and nice so I will trust that. Weird thing as well I have grown an inch. I think running has made me straighten up a bit. Makes my bmi so much better. Thanks again.
On reading your comment about having grown an inch I have been told the same this past week. I was down to my home in Shropshire and two of my brothers and SIL all said I looked taller, huh all 5'1" of me, but I hold myself much more upright now that I'm no longer sat at a computer desk. As for dehydration, check and see if you feel clear headed, if you have the start of a headache you could be in need of a top up of water. If you have a weight problem stay away from fresh fruit juices, water is always best. Good luck and well done.

What a silly thing to say to you. Of course you've got blood! Every time I have a blood test they say the same as I have very thin veins and it takes them ages to get the blood, so I know what it feels like to be a pin cushion!
The easiest way to see if you're dehydrated is the colour of your urine. The paler it is the more hydrated you are.
You're an experienced runner now so you know what works for you. If you were dehydrated during a run you'd know!
Where's Dracula when you need him?

The Sinutab may make your mouth or throat feel dry, so you may have felt more thirsty. Sometimes it's hard to get blood, no matter how experienced people are. You may need to increase your water intake as some juices can act as a diuretic. If you get very hot overnight or did last night, that may have made you more dehydrated. Often people don't notice that they are dehydrated too. Good luck with the op.
Sipping water throughout the day is the best way to remain hydrated. You are probably dehydrated in general as drinking a glass of water before a run will not sustain enough hydration. Coffee is a diuretic and will make you pee. Water throughout the day is the only way. I always have a bottle by the bed. Good luck with the op.

Coffee and tea are not the best way to re-hydrate after a run. Try drinking a cup or two of tea / coffee before your run. After a run try and drink half a litre of water. The best indicator for dehydration is your pee. If it is clear you're ok, the darker it is the more dehydrated you are.

I've been having a sugar free/low cal electrolyte drink (SiS Go) the evening before my run day as I run first thing in the morning - seems to have helped! I'm no longer losing significant weight (water) when running (I was losing a pound between leaving the house and coming back!) and haven't had a stitch since starting them.
I read that drinking immediately before your run doesn't make a difference to your hydration.

Oh to be taller!

If you were at all anxious that might not have helped- your poor veins might have been hiding!! JJ's absolutely right. Hope very much that all goes well for you.