.....As my wonderful Gran used to say, which means hot air, load of rubbish etc...
I find on a run you can totally let go all of the 'piffle paffle' of life, focus on the run, your body, your breathing, your pantherly power.....mmmm purrrrrfect.
I have had a hard core 3 day training thing going on in true juicyju style:
day 1: speed. with Laura .. hard and focussed
day 2: parkrun...no PB, but a sub 30 minute 5k, and I beat Geoff and Nigel who always come up at the same time as me. My sprint finish made me feel strong and powerful ( ? effects of Laura's speed???)
day 3: Long run...I so wanted to do a practice HM, I had a lucozade isotonic syrup thing and 6 of those chewy milk bottle sweets ( remember them?) one for each 5k. It was wonderful but I got to 15.5k and my body said 'ENOUGH JUICY JU we are VERY tired' Oh OK then, still.... I was quite happy with that. Body is totally OK now, can't help thinking that was my bad evil panther whispering bad thoughts on my shoulder...Next Sunday, new route...no bad panthers....
HM training plan till Friday:
two interval sessions, rowing and a 1 mile swim
Work on mental agility to to focus on running when tired and conquering bad panther
Panther Treats:
My best friend mermaid 66 is coming to parkrun, lido, and an afternoon with Belle our hero on saturday.
2 cream eggs a day
snacky snacks after each session
2 cans of Whiskers
Happy panthering everyone
Love Panther Ju Ju