The Juicy Half: Hello all you wonderful people... - Couch to 5K

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The Juicy Half

ju-ju- profile image
88 Replies

Hello all you wonderful people...

Today is the day that I ran my first Half Marathon ( Fanfare sounds at this point!)

So here is Juicyju's story:

1. Fully panthered up with mental focus, black gear, vaseline for the lips, berrocca in a bottle and my panther sweatbands, off I went ( well I was driven into town to be dropped off!). I made a point of cooking a tagine last night to fuel up as I haven't been eating properly before my long runs as a friend said I really had to eat more, so I am...

2. I started off on the Downs in Bristol where all the Sunday runners go, they all looked like scary full on types but I gave them all a full Juicyju smile- 50% returned the gesture, the rest got a panther growl...grrrrrr

3. Clifton suspension bridge...ooh laa laa now that was fun, what a view and silky steve was telling me how amazing and beautiful I am ( well a girl can dream eh!) so I felt great.

4. Ashton Court next where we do was cancelled yesturday due to Brisfest, which as I ran through I discovered was a festival with bands etc...A few random types were staggering around and I gave a cheery hello and wave to the bearded man slunk against the fence enjoying his can of 'Special Brew'He didn't reciprocate!!!!

5. Then the boring bit....8k, 10k, oh blimey I'm not even half way yet....come on Ju KEEP RUNNING!!

6. At 14k I vaselined up my lips as I was getting so dry...but I was in the zone panthering along which was so good

7. I got to SPAR at 17k to get my drink and boy I was tired, and so sweaty. My legs were starting to feel heavy..

8. Off I went again......OK so at about 17.5k I hit the 'wall'...thump. My heart was so heavy and I started crying, my legs just stopped. So I rang home and told Mr Juicyju who said, 'where are you, I'll come and pick you up' which I replied, 'No..this is the bit you are supposed to tell me I can do it, that I only have just over 3k to go etc' 'oh' he said, I'll bring Leon then to help! So with 3 and a bit k to go I had my beautiful lad delivered, and Mr Juicyju driving up and down yelling things at me. Leon was amazin...... I was running, crying moaning and he kept telling me that I can do it and to keep going...and then I managed to find my panther again and gave a growl and just kept on running...

9. The last 1k was so hard, I just wanted it to end...kill me now...please..

10. Finally the magic numbers 21.9 appearred...OMG I have only bloody well done it...and in 2 hours and 21 minutes. I liken that hardness to week 5 run 3, That was so so hard, which made me realise if I can progress to this then the sky's the limit...

I have decided I aim to be a long distance running panther...speed is not for me

Thankyou so much everyone for all your amazing support

sending you all a Juicyju panther purr

Happy panthering


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ju-ju- profile image
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88 Replies
Aftabs profile image

That's great well done!!! You must feel proud now.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Aftabs

Thanks aftabs...just relieved I made it as I was so determind to do it!!! you are doing so very well too...

OldNed profile image

That's truly, pantherly, excellent. You clearly had to dig deep, but you did, and kept at it. That's a great post and, as ever, you're setting the bar high for the rest of us. Long may it continue.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to OldNed

aww thankyou...I had to really find my panther for this one, blimey that was hard!!!!

notbad profile image

Wow, that is really impressive! Well done! :-)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to notbad


c4ts profile image

Well done JuicyJu fantastic result - keep panthering along

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to c4ts

Thankyou...and it looks like you are a little panther too...!!

suzybenj profile image

fantastic and really well done. RESPECT- digging deep and an amazing achievement. well earned rest and a glass of ribena methinks :-)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to suzybenj

Thankyou so much...I had some fizzy pop, and now I am on the ribena :)

suzybenj profile image

ps. you really do look fantastic- no beetroots in sight at all

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to suzybenj

Oh darling, thankyou so much...that smile zapped the last of my energy!!!!

runningnotwalking profile image

Purrrfect panthering JJ and nice blog. The tags were good too. It must have been great to have the family encouraging you at the end. Really well done :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to runningnotwalking

Thankyou....and I was rather pleased with my tags, I couldn't have done it without my lad Leon encouraging and running with me....he certainly helped me purr!!!

Tready profile image

We'll done! What a milestone to cross. Very pleased for you.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Tready

Thankyou so much Tready :)

dottiemay profile image

Absolutely brilliant Juicy! And as an ex-Bristolian, thanks for the details of the route - I could picture it all, and it was great that it started from 'up the Downs'...! Haven't been there for a very long time.

What a lovely hubby & son, to give you that extra push and confidence when you really needed it, although I think you would have found the sleeping panther and woken it up anyway, I can't see you letting the final measly 3K beat you!

Fantastically well done! :-)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to dottiemay

Ha ha thankyou, I'm glad you liked my little Bristol tour, I was lucky to have all the interesting sights at the beginning....and yes it was really good that the family saved the day!!! There was NO WAY I was going to let that last 3k get the better of me, but I really felt it.....

SBG356 profile image

Fantastic Julie!! A fab post and love the photo :) Amazing support when you needed it too! The world is now your running oyster!!


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to SBG356 what a great thought. I so want to do the Paris marathon but blimey thats DOUBLE what I did today...sooo scary

OMG what a fabulous achievement, you must feel fantastic :D

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to

Thankyou so much Phil...I do feel quite pleased!!!

runningwild profile image

Wow ee!!! You must be a very proud panther, amazing well done...

Susie x

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to runningwild

I am a purring panther...thankyou!!

Scipio profile image

Well done Juicy! What an amazing achievement & what great support you have. Many congratulations!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Scipio


rockchick69 profile image

Well done Panther, you must feel so proud.... :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to rockchick69

ha ha yes proud panther purring!!

Saruma profile image

Well done juicy xxx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Saruma

Thanks Saruma!

Realfoodieclub profile image

well done. what a fantastic inspiring post. This panthering lark is one of my goals to aim at achieving, thanks to your wonderful blogs.. so pleased for you today and what lovely family support.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

The panther is in you, its about that digging deep and getting in touch with your carnal side...growling from deep in your belly really helps when its so hard...try it!!! Or just put me down as a bit nuts!!!! Thankyou so much for your lovely words xx

Nerdio profile image

Whoooooooo. You've only gone and done it!

Well done, great effort, and a great result. You seem to have built up to this so quickly, which is just amazing. Loved reading the blogs, they always raise a smile.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Nerdio

ha ha thankyou so much Nerdio, I feel so lucky I have finally found something in life that is so glad it gives a smile :)

We are all so very lucky to have running....

susan22 profile image

Wow. Fantastic. Brilliant. I can feel your pleasure and pride from here. I loved that your son joined you.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to susan22

thankyou...Leon my little panther is amazing, and he knows me so well and can see right through my dramatics!!!!

Burstcouch profile image

totally inspiring.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Burstcouch

awww thankyou, you are all so lovely its what gives me the energy to succeed!!!

birdistheword profile image

Nice one Juicy!!! Wool! Does it feel like the achievement it is?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to birdistheword

err...legs a bit sore and I am thinking how on earth can anyone do a marathon!!! However I have to take a step back and recognise that before feb of this year when I decided to do C25K I couldn't run for the bus without nearly collapsing!!!

SarahP0003 profile image

Whoop! Whoop!!!! So much respect for you (and your lad!) very, very well done!!! :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to SarahP0003


Hules profile image

Amazing! You are such an inspiration! I am finding my inner panther

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Hules

That's fantastic.... Happy panthering, and thankyou

IannodaTruffe profile image

From 0 to 21k in something like 7 months....impressive. I can't get my head round 21k. Wowee.... panther lady...... that is quite some achievement. When exactly did you graduate?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thankyou.... Graduated in may ish.... You prompted me to look at my graduation run ...

Indeed it had!!!!

katee1958 profile image

total respect for you there, I will be sticking with the shorter distances and trying to get a bit faster. You have done brilliantly :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to katee1958

Thankyou so much...

Tati profile image

We started C25k at the same time and graduated pretty near too. You have now run 21.9k and I have run... 8k. Feeling a bit of an underachiever here! Huge congratulations on doing the distance without even a race to keep you going. I bet you will do that Paris marathon too.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Tati

Thankyou... And we have all had different aims on this.. 8k is a fantastic achievement, just think this time last year there is no way we could do that!!! I really want to be a distance runner so that is where my focus has been...

sofaqueen profile image

Huge congratulations to you, that's a fantastic achievement and I'm totally in awe, hope you're feeling pretty chuffed with yourself. Great too that you had your panther cub to spur you on at the end :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to sofaqueen

Thankyou.... Yes my panther cub did me proud...!!

wilmacgh profile image

Fantastic. Well done.

there seems to be a progression:

Couch - 5k - Parkrun - 10k - HM - M?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to wilmacgh

Thankyou... Yes I am and dream of a marathon, I want to do one European city a year...starting with Paris!

ancientrunner profile image

Congratulations. Brilliant achievement. You must be really buzzing.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to ancientrunner

Thankyou.. And yes!!!

Beads profile image

Whooppeeeee!!!!! Well done!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Beads

Thankyou beads!!

Miso_14 profile image

Respect juicyju, that's so inspirational, I can't wait for the day when I post something similar :D

Fab photo too :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Miso_14

Thankyou... And you will!!!

Carolecal profile image

Fab post and a fab achievement....what a total inspiration you are Mrs Panther ! Reading this has made me more determined to increase my distance. What great support you had from Mr J and your little panther too.....brilliant :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Carolecal

Excellent... Well done you and thankyou!!

LMS2110 profile image

OMG .... What an amazing blog and amazing achievement :) :

Sorry getting onto the www so very late in the day :( but just had to send congrats, best wishes, and tell you how darned awesomely inspirational you are! No doubt you are buzzing, and your supportive family sooooooo proud. Sleep well and sweet dreams of your next challenge. Linda X

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to LMS2110

Thankyou so much Linda, little bit stiff this morning!!

Malcy profile image

Hi Juicy. Just spotted your post. Absolutely fantastic! What can I say - zero to hero in just a few months. And just look at the number of people congratulating you - that should tell you how much you are respected and dare I say loved within the community. A great photo - Leon looks a real live wire, and do I see matching shoe laces?

I know what you mean about the last bit being the hardest. For me at the GNR, it was the final 800 metres. I know, because There was a big sign that said 800 metres to go. I swear I ran a full kilometer before I saw the next sign - 400 metres to go. Damn, those were the longest 400 metres anyone ever ran!

So, half marathon done. Do you think you can make the final hurdle to a full marathon? I think you can. Maybe not today or tomorrow but some day and soon. And all of us will be celebrating with you!

Well done!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Malcy

Thankyou for your really lovely words Malcy, yes I found the last k the hardest!!! And yes I want to train for the full marathon but that's going to be so tough, just such a long way!!!!!

mason73 profile image

Well I have just woken up on this dreary morning to your great blog ! Love the photo love your story and omg hm how cool does it feel a day later ! You must be walking on air I hope one day soon my inner slug turns into a pantger ! Lol whoop whoop well done keep up your wonderful blogs kate x

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to mason73

Thankyou...and dig deep, your inner panther is there....

karenmac70 profile image

Wow purr away Julie what a fantastic achievement and a fantastic blog as always...your have made such amazing progress and so quickly a real inspiration to the rest of us!!! You don't even look like you have started to exert yourself in your pic yet alone run a half marathon..well done!!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to karenmac70

Thankyou...and I am actually amazed at that pic as I did feel dead and it took 50% of my remaining reserves to smile!!!!! Thankyou so much..

squaremum profile image

Brilliant run, juicyju, and to say you only graduated in May is amazing.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to squaremum

Thankyou so much....

Crismatlotta profile image

Wow! Congratulations! Awesome achievement, you must be chuffed to bits. I am just getting back into the running after a long break and just back on the boards so great to read this. A question though, where is the orange headband?! ;)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Crismatlotta

So glad you are getting back in, well done that must be really hard.... oh and i really wanted a panther headband ( Puma with the panther on) and they didn't have orange...I am so going to put that back on..thankyou so much for noticing!!!! :)

Rollertoaster profile image

Excellent work Juicy! Well done! Great determination to finish despite it getting tough. Brilliant!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Thankyou so much...and yes it was soooo hard!!!

danzargo profile image

I just stopped working here at the studios when I saw your post. I read it with my jaw slowly opening in amazement as I took in each step of your incredible run. What an achievement JuJu - I mean......... stunning! Incredible.

I am in awe. Your mental and physical prowess are inspiring to all who think that they can't ever do any exercise. What great support from JuJuJunior and Mr JuJu too. We all need that sometimes eh?!

Back to work then for me. I'm still agog. Well done indeed!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to danzargo

awww thankyou so so much Mr DTG ( my new name for you...Danzargo the groin!!!!)....Ha ha ...and I haven't made anyone's jaw drop in a long time!!! Hope work is OK ...take care, Ju Ju

Mini13 profile image

Just saw your Post Juicyju, you are fantastico, brillianto!!! Congrats!!! Good luck to you for your future running too!!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Mini13

thankyou so so much.....

Mini13 profile image

It seems like my earlier Reply did not get here. I just saw your Post and want to say CONGRATS Juicyju!! You are fantastico and brillianto!!! Keep up the good work, I do love your determination to keep running and do love your lad too! Good luck to you for your future running too!!!

KatieW profile image

That was brilliant to read and I'm grinning now for you. The bit about your lad coming was so sweet, you're really lucky! Well done, you are an inspiration!!!! :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to KatieW

Thankyou...and yes I am so lucky, my lad is a real star!!!

alcopop profile image

Room for one more reply?

You have the most supportive and wonderful family. You are the most determined person ever and never give up. You are an inspiration. Oh and slightly mad you panther you :-D


ju-ju- profile image

awww thankyou so much Alcopop..and yes I am a bit nutty ( or rather panthery!!) I hope your life is getting less mad?? Take care, Julia

Landesman profile image

Wow. One sneaks away for a week only to find that you have gone and doubled your running distances without warning. :)

21.9k and in 2h21m is amazing - and quite exhausting just thinking about it (especially after a week enjoying the Mediterranean and Pyreneean sun). By any standards that's hugely impressive - especially the mental toughness that you have to have to overcome that desperate desire to stop - and with a HM being 21.1k I presume that extra 0.8k was just a little happy dance... ;- ) It's a brilliant achievement and bodes well for a good result at the Eden Project. Fantastic. Congratulations. :)

NyePye profile image

Congratulations juicyju!! What a fantastic result.

And so sweet that mr juicyju and your boy came along for your last 3k :)


moger profile image

well done the last bit tuff but that good news

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