WK9R3 Completed... I started this programme on 21st October 2013 and have had a few set backs on the way but 11 weeks and 3 days later I have just completed week 9 run 3. I have never run in my life even when I was at school I always had an excuse to get out of running so for me now to be a RUNNER is great it has made a great difference to my life and I feel so full of energy and I have lost 18 pounds (if you find it I don't want it back) how great is that. Thank you to everyone who has given support along the way and good luck to all of you working to complete this if I can do it you can to so go for it.
That's IT: WK9R3 Completed... I started this... - Couch to 5K
That's IT

Well done! And in 11 weeks as well, that's pretty great!
Have you set yourself some new goals? I find I always need to follow a programme to keep me motivated.. So I'm now using an 8 week plan from runners world to train for my first 5k parkrun.

That's fab! Well done you and an inspiration to me who is just about to complete week 2. Onwards and upwards.

Congratulations! Well done you for completing it and the amazing weight loss! That's fantastic. You must feel amaaaaazing! Good luck with your running future!

Great I bet you feel fab I graduated on Boxing Day I could have cried when Laura said "that is it you have achieved your goal" I had some bad runs after I think just because I was used with the structure and Laura encouraging me! I use run keeper and have had my first run using the audio fuel c25k which is Laura learns you to run to the beat I quite enjoyed it so I guess what I am saying if you are anything like me to keep the motivation I would download another podcast I run alone so need all the motivation I can get, well done on your achievement.

Ccongratulations and happy running in 2014

Congratulations - I bet you feel wonderful!

Fantastic, very well done

Outstanding! I too started at the end of October and took 11 weeks. It's a great feeling, isn't it? Onward and upward.

Big congratulations too you
Congratulations on your success. Best wishes.