4 years ago, I was training for the Swansea 10k when I became very ill and was eventually diagnosed with Crohn's disease.
For anyone who may not know what Crohn's is, it's an auto-immune illness that causes inflammation and ulceration in the bowel. Symptoms include weight loss and exhaustion - because the body is unable to absorb nutrients from food - dehydration, loss of appetite, pain, diarrhoea, joint inflammation (it's a systemic disease that can cause inflammation throughout the body, not just the bowel).
When it first struck me, I lost half a stone in a weekend (which is a lot when you 're only 8 stone to begin with), and was in the bathroom up to 20 times a day with diarrhoea and blood. I was exhausted and had no idea what was wrong with me.
My G.P said it was stress and stuck me on antidepressants, but eventually referred me to a gastroenterologist "so that they can tell you that there's nothing wrong with you."
Finally, after possibly the worst 6 months of my life, a bowel biopsy showed that I was in fact ill - with the incurable condition, Crohn's.
A 4 month course of pretty fierce steroids got me back to a manageable state and a daily dose of anti-inflammatory does it's best to keep me there. I no longer talk about "normal", rather "what's normal for me" - which is still tiredness and 3 or 4 toilet trips daily with diarrhoea. I stopped running after a scan showed wear in my hip - possibly caused by the steroids, or maybe by the disease itself. I was told that a referral to a rheumatologist was pretty much inevitable with inflammatory bowel disease.
I started running again after joining a bunch of friends in an online fitness group. Someone posted a 30 day squat challenge and as the days went on, I started to get a yearning to get my running shoes on again. I started the c25k programme and quickly became hooked - the squats had strengthened my legs so I no longer suffered knee and hip problems.
The other girls in the online group are all runners and the subject of doing a race came up, so we decided to enter the Swansea 10k at the end of September.
I was nervous, I'll admit - it feels like my nemesis - but also keen to complete what I'd started 4 years ago. I've been running 3 or 4 times a week, building up my distance and putting in the time. In the last couple of weeks, it's been tough - even the shorter runs have felt like hard work and I've felt pretty exhausted on rest days. Gradually, my joints have started to niggle, I'm on the loo more, I'm starting to worry about every run and how it's going to make me feel...and last night, the dreaded blood made a reappearance.
I don't know what to do. I don't want to stop, after all the weeks of hard work I've put in. It would feel like failure all over again. But if I push on when the warning signs are there, I could make a bad situation worse and possibly scupper any chance of running again for a long time.