Well, there I was merrily (well maybe not merry!!) jogging along and 2 minutes from finishing my last run of week 7. The horrible realisation dawned that I did this run on Thursday and I should be doing 28 minutes, I could have cheerfully wept!!! The thought of running for another 5 rather than 2 seemed impossible, it was flipping hard but I did it - just and very slowly!!! Can hardly believe I've come this far in 7 weeks, not finding it easy but I'm hanging on in there. Thank you to everyone for the brilliant support.
That horrible moment you realise ......... - Couch to 5K
That horrible moment you realise .........

I feel for you! Well done for keeping going.

Well done to keep going

Well done. I always try to tell myself "no run is a bad run, any run beats sitting on the couch!"

Well done for pushing on. Yes, it was hard, but hey - you did it! All the best for your next run

Yeah graduation not far away now, well done for keeping going, that must have been very hard mentally as well as physically.

Thanks all, after I finished I was glad I'd kept going but at the time I was using rather colourful language!!

Well done for keep going, it just shows your determination! Best of luck for your next run.

Well done on finishing that run. Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth & keep going. I know on occasions I only finish a run because I'm a stubborn old mule & refuse to let myself stop!