Just come back from a great holiday in Greece where I swam for 30 minutes each day but didn't run. Came back home and did a couple of 5k runs and they went really well. During my third run I got a sharp pain in my inner thigh. Left running for 2 days but swam and walked instead. Ventured out this morning but after 12 minutes the pain was back again...hence the walk of shame through the high street back home! Anyone know how long one of these strains take to heal? Am thinking of leaving it alone now for 10-14 days. Unduly pessimistic?
The Walk of Shame: Just come back from a great... - Couch to 5K
The Walk of Shame

Not really, sound the right thing to do.

Walk of shame, I know what you mean! I foolishly attempted a marathon distance on my own with only a 500ml water bottle - everything was fine at the 18 mile mark but then absolutely walloped into 'the wall', lost all energy and had to walk home...which unfortunately was 3 miles away. That was a loooong 3 miles!
Unfortunately resting seems like the only option - just keep swimming etc if you want to keep up fitness in the meantime!
Bit of a difference in distance though! I take my hat off to you for getting 18 miles under your belt! Will take your advice and take it easy in the coming week and see how I get along. Thanks for the reply
It's frustrating taking a rest but it must be done unfortunately. I had to pull out of the only official race I've (so far) entered (the Great North Run) as I had an injury and rest was the only option - it sounds pathetic but I'd driven to Glasgow from Preston and the theory is that because I'd had my wallet in my back pocket and been therefore sitting on it whilst driving that distance that I'd squashed the sciatic nerve or whatever nerve it is that runs through your...ahem...posterior...and I afterwards I couldn't run for more than a few minutes without having to walk! Resting was just something I had to do and sure enough it worked - you'll be back out soon!!!
Poor you and your posterior! Your wallet must have been bulging to cause so much damage! I will be doing the Great South - albeit the 5k - in October but if all else fails I have also got an entry into the 10 miler which I can walk and perhaps run a bit! Hope that you get to do the Great North next time round. It looks a fantastic course. I may venture out for a brisk walk this morning - although since I'Ve been running I now get aching shins from striding out. Is there no end to it!!