My running friend suggested an early run to escape the current heat wave. 5.30. Well - OK, then! Set my alarm (or so I thought) for 5.15 and went off to bed. At 5.23 I was woken by her incoming text saying she was setting off! Arrrgghhhh! I obviously hadn't set my alarm properly. Leapt out of bed, couldn't find anything (of course), washed and brushed, poured a glass of water down my throat. As Penny arrived I was warming up by running up and down stairs looking for socks etc.
Anyway, we had a great run. 6.1 k, could have kept going except for time constraints, and the fact that after doing a lot of hip flexor exercises at Pilates yesterday I could feel my hip flexors starting to twang as I went up the hill towards home, so fell into a brisk walk. The world at 5.30 this morning was the domain of cats, busy doing whatever cats do when they're not asleep at home, cooing pigeons, darting swifts, and the promise of a perfect July day ahead. And it was beautifully quiet, very few cars out, and we didn't even see any other runners!
A great start to the day!