If you'd told me 2 years ago that I would be getting up at 6.15 am to do a 30 minute workout, I'd laughed in your face - for hours and hours.
BUT that's exactly what I did this morning! July 1st is the first day of my 2 month "intense" exercise plan. I'm aiming to be more toned for my holiday in September - I want to look good in my tankini! Anyway, I plan to do the 30 Day Shred - Level 1 every other day and run on the other days. Level 1 of the Shred takes 10 days so hopefully I shall be done by Fri 19th.
This morning was Day 1 and despite the early start, I was quite looking foward to it. I'd watched the whole workout over the weekend so I kind of knew what it was all about. In preparation, I bought myself a set of weights and some new running shorts (using a treadmill at home is a lot hotter than at the gym!) so I'd have no excuses.
I found the warm up to be OK, despite nearly hitting the ceiling light during my windmills! Then it was onto the workout............
I coped well with the cardio and strength elements (I even manged to do all the press ups! Although I did have to do the "easy" version - on my knees with crossed ankles) and didn't do too badly with the crunches. I found the jumping jacks OK but I must make sure I definitely don't need a wee next time! The only thing I struggled with was the bicycle crunches at the end - it turns out I have NO co-ordination at ALL! I did try but I ended up laughing most of the way through it!
I couldn't really do the cool down stretches at the end because I am just not that bendy but all in all, I was quite pleased with how well I did. After a shower and a mile walk into work, I feel amazing but a little bit achey. So I have my run tomorrow (aiming for 30 mins but it'll probably only be 15 again) and Day Two of the Shred on Wednesday! Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Lets do it!