I wasn't going to blog but I felt the need to as it wasn't nice. So I got a new pair of running shoes and I am generally liking them.
My W2R1 went fairly well, when Laura mention I maybe getting tired halfway through I wasn't tired at all.
But this morning I was panting like dog after the first jog. By the last jog it felt like I was running with a ton of bricks! I don't really understand why this was so much harder, the new shoes couldn't have made so much difference!
I always run before breakfast, so its not even that I had a large meal or anything Now I am not looking forward to week3 how the hell am I suppose to run 3 minutes when I struggle with 1.5 min
The only good part to this morning was there was an old man walking his dog in the park today and he said "well done" as I was walking home.