Week 4 finished but with tough lessons - Couch to 5K

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Week 4 finished but with tough lessons

Joanne37 profile image
6 Replies

Lesson 1: maybe take an extra day rest when you are exhausted. Lesson 2: dont try to run when you are ill. Well I ignored both of those this weekend and its been tough and I should have listened to my gut instinct. I think I've picked up a bug along the line somewhere. I woke up Friday morning absolutely exhausted after about 15 hours sleep and still went out. Legs were very heavy and screamed at me all the way round and my energy store was 0. Pretty much slept on and off throughout the weekend with zero energy and like a daft so and so went out again yesterday. It wasnt as tough as Friday but was still hard. I still dont feel right today but i'm hoping its just a bug and that if I have 2 days rest, by Wednesday I'll feel up to trying W5R1. I think I was just too afraid not to go out and then lose some of the work I had done so far and have to start some of the runs again. Definately 2 rest days then I will try Week 5. Onwards and upwards:)

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6 Replies

Well done you! I havent done a run since Wednesday because like you i've been unwell. I was going to go out again tonight but i'm still feeling totally exhausted. I'm so annoyed and worried that i'll be back to square one. I'm hoping i'll be ok either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Joanne37 profile image

Honestly I shouldnt have gone out and I'm sure I've done myself no favours. When I got up on Friday morning (I was off work so it wasnt like my normal 5.30am start but was more like 7am) I still just felt completely and utterly shattered and had zero energy even though I went to bed at 8pm. I knew then I shouldnt have gone out but did and it was awful. I managed all the runs and didnt stop but my legs screamed at me all the way round and I just felt awful. I went shopping with mum on Friday after the dentist but my heart just wasnt in it (which isnt like me!) and when we went for lunch my stomach lurched at smells I normally adore. I spent most of Friday, Saturday and Sunday in and out of bed snoozing away but crammed a run in on Sunday. Again I shouldnt have. I wasnt right and although it was better than Friday I didnt feel like I smashed it you know? - i mean i dont expect to run around lighter than air with every run being easy peasy and kicking each run up the bum saying 'take that' but I feel like at this point I should be able to run a semi decent pace. If i had rested i might have been able to do much better runs? Im definately taking 2 days off and doing nothing until at least Wednesday. Going to Sainsburys at lunch for some of that Seven Seas stuff you can take when you feel run down. If you feel totally exhausted then sleep. Its what I should have done but I totally understand your worry. I went out only because I was worried that I would undo my work but I the downside to going was that I feel like I didnt do well on the runs.

Heres to lots of sleep and feeling better. I think my body is just rebelling at all the work i have asked it to do:) If im not right by Wednesday then I'm going to rest more. A lesson was definately learnt here. If im not right ill rest and then do one more of week 4 just to be sure. Take it easy:) x

Its frustrating isn't it and to top it off i've just had a delivery from Sports Direct with my new running top and lightweight jacket :) Things get serious in week 5 so I think you definitely need to be firing on on cylinders for that week. Like you i'm happy to repeat week 4 until I feel ready to move on. Here's hoping we both feel better soon :)

Joanne37 profile image

Oooh sports direct parcels. That should help make you feel better:) I must admit I did nip in on Friday while I had some energy and got a Karrimor lightweight jacket in black. Not worn it yet but looking forward to it. Need to sort out running bottoms. Just got some everlast jogging pants from there but fancy something different. Not quiet ready for RPD yet. Plus I want to get online now and sort out a decent sports bra after reading everyones comment on a blog last week about monoboobs:) lol and I definately need to sort out trainers. Not sure whether I need to go the whole hog yet and get trainers professionally sorted yet.

I got a black lightweight Karrimor jacket and purple running t-shirt - love them! I cant wait to get out there again and try them out.

Joanne37 profile image

Hope you feel better soon. Ive just attempted lunch but wasnt in the mood and now just want to lie down and sleep:(

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