W3R2 & I can now run for twice the amount that... - Couch to 5K

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W3R2 & I can now run for twice the amount that I could do last week

7 Replies

well the surprise from last night is that I actually enjoyed running the 2nd 3 minute section - on a dead straight road on an industrial park. Just me, the road, the sun & Laura telling me "you can do this"..... 3 2 1.......

and I did it ..... I ran for 3 minutes non stop

7 Replies
Beek profile image

WELL DONE YOU! I'm right at the very start and cannot imagine having the feelings you describe. I don't think you can all be fibbing but I can't say I enjoyed W1R1 one bit! Keeping optimistic though. Best wishes to you. This blog page is amazingly inspirational because of people like you!

in reply to Beek

sorry to hear you didn't enjoy W1R1 .... although it has taken me 8 "runs" before I got anywhere near being able to enjoy ...

just remember that when you are running, make sure you go really slow at first

Beek profile image

Thanks you MatthewW. I enjoyed the fact I'd eventually made the effort to do it but i ache a lot this morning in my calf muscles and thighs. I am not put off though and trust that people can't all be wrong when they say they enjoy their runs. I used to look at road runners and their faces often looked as if they were really suffering - that's what put me off starting running. My head says it was a good move to start! And yes - start slowly, I'm sure that is good advice.

in reply to Beek

ah achy legs - it really is very important to make sure you stretch for a good 5+ mins straight after your cool down walk.

Take a look at the strength & flex videos which Laura does on the NHS website if you need to see what to do....

Mysticalmaid profile image

Yes, do the stretches after (I keep forgetting!) that should help, and don't be afraid to rest extra days if you need to.

Well done Mathew, I'm glad to hear you are beginning to enjoy it. It took a few runs before I started to enjoy it, then I found myself tempted to go on rest days which would have done me no good, I'm sure. The nice weather we've been having lately gives us more motivation to get out there, hopefully you will enjoy week 4 even more.

in reply to Mysticalmaid

Thanks Misty ... am contemplating doing 4 runs next week (all week4) to build up for the biggie in week5

Tessietwo profile image

Really great that you are enjoying it, I think it makes all the difference. For a few weeks I was really struggling and feeling anxious about running, as a result my breathing was all wrong and I couldn't complete the runs. Once I relaxed and began to enjoy it (better weather helped!) it was so much easier. Good luck and keep on enjoying it.

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