I’ve been plodding along nicely. Dreaded week 5 run 3 but was estatic to finish it.. my pace is very slow but that’s the furthest I’ve ever ran in my life! Week 6 run 2 I really struggled with for some reason.. last 10 mins I was desperate to stop but carried on! Thought it would be easier so I may have gone too quick to start plus it was warm even though it was 8am. Dreading the 25 min run now as I’ve never struggled so much with any of the runs.. all a challenge but I’ve completed each one. Any advice I’d be grateful of and would love to hear from anyone up to the same point?
Preparing for week 6 run 3.. last run I strugg... - Couch to 5K
Preparing for week 6 run 3.. last run I struggled!

I am behind you in weeks but find i just think if I have at least done it no matter what speed it is done. I am sure you will do the 25 mins or you could repeat some runs. Hopefully someone who knows stuff can advise.
I did week 6 run 2 late last night and am psyching myself up for the "big 25" on Saturday. Took several attempts to nail the 20 last week so I'm dreading it. Solidarity!

You know the drill.. eat well, drink lots of water, rest...and then take it slow which it sounds like you have been doing😊Lots of us struggle with the intervals after the euphoria of the 20 minute run- in fact I recall having a rubbish 6/2 when it was quite warm too. I think you might surprise yourself when you get into the groove on your 25 and when you’re finished you will be buzzing!

I suspect you already know what you need to to do - follow the mantra and keep it really slooooow! Its all in your head - your body is ready for this. So don't listen to the gremlins - if you get those negative thoughts on the next run then give them a good talking to! Good luck.

Just about to do wk6 run 2 myself and dreading it. I will go slow and not beat myself up if I feel it's tough - especially as you have shared your experience which has encouraged me to carry on whatever🤗
Good luck.. you can do it ☺️ I’ll look forward hearing how it’s gone 🙌
Currently in bed knowing I have to get up for my week 6 run 3! Not looking forward to it and hoping my daughter will come me to encourage me to the end! Good luck with yours.