I'm on week 2 of C25k and my earphones won't stay in my ears so I did week 1 off memory from listening to it once when they were falling out of my ears. I don't want to listen to week 2 out loud as it will take too long and can't use my earphones because of the problem I stated earlier, is there anywhere I can find written instructions. I know week 2 is 5 mins walk, then 1.5 mins run with 2 mins walk ending with 5 min walk, but how many times do run? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Week 2 C25K: I'm on week 2 of C25k and my... - Couch to 5K
Week 2 C25K

This should help

Thank you so much fitbefore40, that is just what I was looking for, I couldn't find it under c25k before. I'm trying to be fit before 40 which is next year. Good luck.
You're welcome my 40th is next year too but i'm hoping to get fit (and slim) before my holiday in September - too many years of sitting on the couch has done me no favours!
also i have some headphones which clip over my ears rather than in them which seem to stay in better (apart from when my lovely daughter knicks them!!)
have also see a head sweat band been pulled down over the ear buds which then keeps them in place and keeps your ears from being too cold....

Cellotape!!!! Working for me until I buy a suitable pair for running.